The information on this page probably contains errors. Some of the people named have been dead for hundreds of years … how accurate do you think I can be?

Sometimes I post errors on purpose to see if you’re paying attention. Or maybe I don’t. You’ll never know for sure.


All content provided is "AS IS", and without any warranty of any kind.


Birth, marriage and death dates written in family Bibles, baptismal certificates, letters, etc., and carved on headstones often differ from those in official records. In particular, information taken from death records is more likely to be wrong than correct, as it was obtained from people under stress, or often from people not related to the deceased.


All information has come from public records including but not limited to: Published genealogies posted on the Internet, Census Records, Birth Records, Marriage Records, Death Records, Wills, Obituaries, Social Security Death Index, Books and other public records.


If you find any errors, I would appreciate your corrections so we can keep this as up to date as possible. I will gladly share any information that I have in hopes that you will do the same. If you have any questions regarding a specific name or family, please feel free to email me. Thanks and good luck in your family research!


The information presented is not intended to be used as a source document. Instead the information is a place to find clues and information to aid in further research. You are strongly encouraged to check the primary source for accuracy and validity.  Hundred year old cursive is sometimes hard to read and mistakes are made by all of us.


Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under our control. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.  Some links may no longer work.  People change or remove their web content.


This web page may be changed or removed at any time without notice. 

Richard, phusdse @