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This has been a great effect. Kudos to Cliff at ScaryGuys.com (no relation) for the creative spark for my version of his Strobe Ghost. Be sure to check out his site.
This version of a Strobe Ghost offers greater flexibility in your display options. It is very light-weight and runs on one "D" cell battery for at least a day.

Battery operated Emergency Strobe
D-Cell battery
Two large clear plastic serving bowls
Drill or punch ale
Bendable wire 16 or 14 gauge
60" Round White Plastic Table cover
Cable Ties - preferably the white tiny ones
Cord or heavy duty fishing line
Snap-swivel attachments

I purchased a battery operated Emergency Strobe from REI Outdoor Equip (The strobe is manufactured by MPI Outdoor Supply Products, No. Andover, MA 01845-6160 ). There might be other emergency light options, but I like the size and durability of this type. It works off one D cell battery with a 300,000 candle rating, flashes 50-70 times per minute, and is supposed to last 16 hours at full strength and 60 hours diminishing power. I have found using a better quality battery , it will last two days.

Being portable, I plan on hanging this in a tree. I used two clear plastic serving bowls for the Head. I drilled holes at 12, 4, and 8 (as in a clock face) through both bowls. Nest them before drilling for accuracy.find using 3 holes staring at 12/8/4 work when orienting the ghost.

Using plastic cable ties, secure the rims of the bowls together to form a globe. This is tight enough to pinch the strobe in place upright at the bottom of the "head". I made eyes on the bowls, front and back using black electrical tape. 

Cut a length of wire long enough to make arms and thread through the bottom cable ties on one half of the head. I then covered it with a white plastic table cloth. I used a round one but for longer "arms" try a rectangular cover.

Adjust the wire to spread the tablecloth out. By angling it you have it catch the wind and fly about. Attach the fishing line to a snap-swivel and snap it onto the top cable tie. Hang the ghost where it will get plenty of room to fly.

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