Cleburne County
Aging Program, Inc
320 Trailwood Dive
P. O. Box 831
Heber Springs, AR 72543
( Volunteer Community Of The Year )
Serving Seniors In
Cleburne County
Phone ( 501 ) 362-2413
Alma R. Smith
P. O. Box 831
Heber Springs, Arkansas 72543
Home Delivered Meals
Meals are provided to the homebound senior adults who are unable to obtain or prepare meals due to disability or age. These meals are planned by a dietitian to meet one-third of the minimum daily requirements for senior adults. The meals are delivered hot where possible. In isolated cases, frozen meals will be delivered once a week.
Congregate Meals
Mid-Day meals are planned by a registered dietitian to meet one-third of the recommended daily allowance for senior adults. The Quitman Center requires a notice the day before in order to have a meal available.
Activities are planned to provide education and recreational opportunities for senior adults at the center. Special activities are planned from time to time. Call us for more information.
Transportation services are designed to provide access for senior adults to doctors, drug stores, grocery shopping, nursing homes, utility companies, local government offices and other appointments as well as the senior center.
Information & Referrals
The Senior Center serves as a resource for senior adults to find services in the community to meet their needs. If our agency cannot provide the service you need, we will try to locate help for you.
There are no fees charged for services. However, contributions are encouraged and accepted.
Client contributions are an important part of our funding. Without contributions, the number of people served would be very limited. Services would be cut by at least one-forth, if not more.
Volunteers are an important part of our services. Volunteers deliver meals and provide education and/or entertaining programs. To be a part of these services to our seniors, please come in or call the Heber Springs Center at
( 501 ) 362-2413
Come Have Fun With Us ! ! !
Here's How . . . . .
You must be 60 years of age or older or a spouse of a person 60 years of age who is receiving services and living in Cleburne County. Home delivered meals, and transportation clients are assessed on needs and availability basis. However, low income will be given priority.
Serving our community with pride
Cleburne County Aging Program, Inc is a non-profit
organization providing services to seniors.
We Are A Faith In Action Agency
- Rick Crawford
The Waycroff Senior Center in Heber Springs is open from 8:00 A. M. until 4:00 P. M. Monday through Friday except for certain holidays. If you cannot come in or call during working hours, please leave a message on the answering machine. We can also be contacted via e-mail at .
The Quitman Volunteer Senior Center is located in the Renegar Apartment Community Room and is open from 10:00 A. M.. until 1:00 P. M. Monday through Friday.
Funding sources include Federal, State, and Local government, fund raising and client contributions. Bequests, Memorials, and other donations are appreciated. Fund &ndash Raisers are an absolute necessity to maintain the level of services now available. If you can help in any way, it will be greatly appreciated.
Cleburne County Aging Program, Inc. is committed to the nondiscriminatory delivery of services and is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer.
Our Mission is to help Senior Adults Remain Independent As Long As Possible For As Long As Possible.
Our Aim Is To Help You Help Yourself.
Faith In Action