Character Selection

It is possible to allow the user to select a character for the player from a list of predefined characters. These characters can have different characteristics and are completely definable. To allow the character selection menu to be activated you must use the IniEditor and check the Allow Character Selection box. Then, right after the New Game button is clicked, the Character Selection menu will appear.

You define the characters the player can choose from in a file called character.ini. Each section of the file defines a different character and you can have up to 10 sections. A section is defined like this :


image CEGUI image displayed in menu (set:imageset image:imagename)
actorname name of actor to use
actorrotation base rotation of actor
actorscale scale of actor

The following section entries are optional and, if used, will override the entry's definitions later in the level.

icon CEGUI image used as the conversation icon (set:imageset image:imagename)
animationspeed multiplication factor for actor animations
shadowsize size of actor shadow
shadowalpha alpha of shadow
shadowbitmap bitmap to use as shadow
shadowalphamap alphamap for shadow bitmap
projectedshadows if true use projected shadows
stencilshadows if true use stencil shadows
fillcolor fill color of actor lighting
ambientcolor ambient color of actor lighting
ambientlightfromfloor if true ambient color is taken from the floor
weaponfile name of INI file replacing weapon.ini
attributefile name of INI file containing player's attributes
playersetupfile name of INI file replacing PlayerSetup.ini
environmentfile name of INI file replacing environment.ini
hudfile name of INI file containing definitions for the Hud
speed movement speed of player
jumpspeed jump speed of player
stepheight step up height of player
slopeslide minimum slope to start sliding
slopespeed maximum slope sliding speed
startlevel name of start level for this character
playerstartname name of PlayerStart entity to use

For example, a character called Elf could be defined like this:

image = set:characters image:elf
icon = set:characters image:elf_icon
actorname = elf.act
actorrotation = 0 180 0
actorscale = 1
animationspeed = 1
stencilshadows = true
fillcolor = 32 32 32
ambientcolor = 100 100 100
ambientlightfromfloor = false
weaponfile = elfweapon.ini
attributefile = elf.ini
playersetupfile = elfsetup.ini
environmentfile = elfsounds.ini
hudfile = elfhud.ini
speed = 15
jumpspeed = 10
stepheight = 30
slopeslide = 0.9
slopespeed = 50