
The ElectricBolt entity defines an electrical discharge, like a bolt of lightning or an electrical arc. This is mainly used as a special effect or to set mood in an area. The ElectricBolt targets an ElectricBoltTerminus.

If the wildness is set to 0, ElectricBolts can be used as power lines and/or cables in your level with minimal effect on framerate.

Field Descriptions

The fields for the ElectricBolt entity are:

Field Description
AlphaName Name of alpha bitmap file to use
BmpName Name of bitmap file to use
BoneName Name of actor bone to attach to
Color Base color of the bolt. The two non-dominant color values must be the same (e.g., if red dominant, green and blue values must be the same).
DamageAltAmt Amount of alternate damage done
DamageAltAttribute Name of alternate attribute damaged
DamageAmt Amount of damage done
DamageAttribute Name of attribute damaged
DamageTime Number of seconds before damage is done again
DoDamage True if bolt does damage
DominantColor Major color of the bolt, 0=red, 1=green, 2=blue.
EntityName Name of entity to attach to
fRadius Audible range for sound
Intermittent Whether or not the bolt is continual or happens intermittently.
MaxFrequency For intermittent bolts, the maximum time in seconds between bolts.
MinFrequency For intermittent bolts, the minimum time in seconds between bolts.
Model Name of model to attach to
NumPoints Number of points in the bolt, must be a power of two. 32/64/128 recommended.
SoundFile Name of sound for the bolt
szEntityName Name of this entity
Terminus Name of the ElectricBoltTerminus that is the target
TriggerName Name of trigger entity to use
Width Width, in texels, of the bolt
Wildness Freneticity of the bolt, ranging from 0 to 1