The ElectricBolt entity defines an electrical discharge, like a bolt of lightning or an electrical arc. This is mainly used as a special effect or to set mood in an area. The ElectricBolt targets an ElectricBoltTerminus.
If the wildness is set to 0, ElectricBolts can be used as power lines and/or cables in your level with minimal effect on framerate.
The fields for the ElectricBolt entity are:
Field | Description |
AlphaName | Name of alpha bitmap file to use |
BmpName | Name of bitmap file to use |
BoneName | Name of actor bone to attach to |
Color | Base color of the bolt. The two non-dominant color values must be the same (e.g., if red dominant, green and blue values must be the same). |
DamageAltAmt | Amount of alternate damage done |
DamageAltAttribute | Name of alternate attribute damaged |
DamageAmt | Amount of damage done |
DamageAttribute | Name of attribute damaged |
DamageTime | Number of seconds before damage is done again |
DoDamage | True if bolt does damage |
DominantColor | Major color of the bolt, 0=red, 1=green, 2=blue. |
EntityName | Name of entity to attach to |
fRadius | Audible range for sound |
Intermittent | Whether or not the bolt is continual or happens intermittently. |
MaxFrequency | For intermittent bolts, the maximum time in seconds between bolts. |
MinFrequency | For intermittent bolts, the minimum time in seconds between bolts. |
Model | Name of model to attach to |
NumPoints | Number of points in the bolt, must be a power of two. 32/64/128 recommended. |
SoundFile | Name of sound for the bolt |
szEntityName | Name of this entity |
Terminus | Name of the ElectricBoltTerminus that is the target |
TriggerName | Name of trigger entity to use |
Width | Width, in texels, of the bolt |
Wildness | Freneticity of the bolt, ranging from 0 to 1 |