
The EnvironmentSetup entity is used to override the default settings for the player and the world when the level is loaded.

Field Descriptions

The fields for the EnvironmentSetup entity are:

Field Description
AudibleRadius set the audible radius of sounds in the level to this value
DistanceFogColor Color of fog
EnableDistanceFog if true distance fog is enabled
FarClipPlaneDistHigh Max distance past which nothing will be rendered
FarClipPlaneDistLow Min distance past which nothing will be rendered
FogStartDistHigh Max distance from camera before fog starts
FogStartDistLow Min distance from camera before fog starts
Gravity World gravity value - default is (0, -490.0f, 0)
LODAnimation if true, then LOD actors have their own animations
LODdistance1 after this distance render LOD actor 1
LODdistance2 after this distance render LOD actor 2
LODdistance3 after this distance render LOD actor 3
LODdistance4 after this distance render bitmap
LODdistance5 after this distance do not render anything
MinShakeDist Distance inside which explosion shake is at maximum
SpeedCoeffFastMotion speed coefficient for fast motion zones
SpeedCoeffLava speed coefficient for lava zones
SpeedCoeffSlowMotion speed coefficient for slow motion zones
SShadowsAlpha Transparency of actor stencil shadows (0 to 255)
SShadowsColor Color of stencil shadows
SShadowsMaxLightToUse Max number of lights casting stencil shadows at the same time (0 to 8)
TotalFogDistHigh Max distance from camera before fog is solid
TotalFogDistLow Min distance from camera before fog is solid
UseFarClipPlane True if far clipping plane is to be used
WindSpeed Constant wind force affecting Flame, Rain and Spout entities

If an entry is left at 0 or false then the default value for that entry will be used. Otherwise the entity value will be used.

Only one EnvironmentSetup entity should be used per level. Only the first entity found will be used by the level.

Careful use of distance fogging and the far clip plane can significantly improve performance on large, open-space levels. Make sure that the TotalFogDist is less than the FarClipPlaneDist, as this prevents the player from seeing clipped-off geometry.

Fog distance and the Far Clip Plane distance are controlled by the Detail Level slider in the Video menu. This slider will vary the distances from the low value to the high value.


Here is an example of the EnvironmentSetup entity.

EnvironmentSetup Example
EnvironmentSetup Entity

The entries are all at default values except the gravity which has been set to -550.0 texels/s2.