Having to put a group of effect entities together each time you want to define an explosion is very time consuming and annoying. Instead you can predefine these explosions as a combination of your predefined effects and then refer to the results by name. The file called explosion.ini contains the definitions of different explosions. The format of this file is as follows:
Each explosion definition is headed by the name of the explosion, enclosed in
square brackets, such as [RocketExplosion]
or [GeneralExplosion]
This name will be used by other entities to reference this explosion. Following
the name, up to the next explosion name or end of the file, is the information
needed to define the explosion.
Each explosion can contain up to 10 different predefined effects and they can be offset from the explosion position and delayed from the explosion start. Each effect you wish to add to the explosion will require a group of 3 definition lines, chosen from the following:
You can use any definition group in any order you wish. They do not have to be used in numerical order.
The effect line contains the name of the predefined effect you wish to add to your explosion definition. This is the name you assigned to the effect during its predefinition. See Predefined Effects for details.
The delay line defines the number of seconds after the start of the explosion before this effect is activated. It can be any value greater than or equal to 0.
The offset line is the distance in the X, Y and Z axis, from the explosion position, that the effect should be positioned. This entry has 3 values, separated by spaces, to define the X, Y and Z distances. If the explosion is attached to an actor then the offset is in relation to the direction the actor is facing, with Z being In, X being Left and Y being Up.
The explosion.ini file already contains some predefined explosions and you can look at these to see what each different explosion requires.