
The Liquid entity is used to turn an empty model into a liquid that the player can float and swim in.

Field Descriptions

The fields for the Liquid entity are:

Field Description
Alphamap Name of alpha map used for tinting
Bitmap Name of bitmap used for tinting
DamageAltAmt Amount of alternate damage done
DamageAltAttr Alternate attribute that is damaged
DamageAltDelay Delay before more alternate damage is done
DamageAmt Amount of damage done
DamageAttr Attribute that is damaged
DamageDelay Delay before more damage is done
DamageIn if True then damage by being in liquid rather than under liquid
GravityCoeff Percentage of gravity when in liquid (0 to 100)
InLiquidSound Name of sound played when walking in liquid
Model Empty model that is converted to liquid
SpeedCoeff Percentage of speed when in liquid (0 to 100)
SurfaceSound Name of sound played when breaking surface in liquid
SwimSound Name of sound played when moving under liquid
szEntityName The name of this entity
TintColor Color of liquid
Transparency Transparency of tint of water (0 to 255)

The model should be flagged as empty for it to work as a liquid. When the player far enough in the liquid he will switch to the treadwater animation. When moving in liquid the player uses the swim animation.