The Liquid entity is used to turn an empty model into a liquid that the player can float and swim in.
The fields for the Liquid entity are:
Field | Description |
Alphamap | Name of alpha map used for tinting |
Bitmap | Name of bitmap used for tinting |
DamageAltAmt | Amount of alternate damage done |
DamageAltAttr | Alternate attribute that is damaged |
DamageAltDelay | Delay before more alternate damage is done |
DamageAmt | Amount of damage done |
DamageAttr | Attribute that is damaged |
DamageDelay | Delay before more damage is done |
DamageIn | if True then damage by being in liquid rather than under liquid |
GravityCoeff | Percentage of gravity when in liquid (0 to 100) |
InLiquidSound | Name of sound played when walking in liquid |
Model | Empty model that is converted to liquid |
SpeedCoeff | Percentage of speed when in liquid (0 to 100) |
SurfaceSound | Name of sound played when breaking surface in liquid |
SwimSound | Name of sound played when moving under liquid |
szEntityName | The name of this entity |
TintColor | Color of liquid |
Transparency | Transparency of tint of water (0 to 255) |
The model should be flagged as empty for it to work as a liquid. When the player far enough in the liquid he will switch to the treadwater animation. When moving in liquid the player uses the swim animation.