
The Pawn entity is used to make scriptable friendly nonplayer characters. They work in conjunction with the ScriptPoint entity, which provides paths for the Pawn to travel on.

Field Descriptions

The fields for the Pawn entity are:

Field Description
Angle direction pawn will face when spawned
ChangeMaterial name of section containing material change info (see Material.ini)
ConvLayout name of layout file used for conversation instead of default layout
ConvOrder name of conversation order to run at the start of a conversation
ConvScriptName name of script file used for conversations
HideFromRadar If true then does not show on radar
PawnType name of the pawn type as defined in Pawn.ini

name of the script file used by this pawn
SpawnOrder name of the Script Order run at spawn time
SpawnPoint name of a ScriptPoint associated with this pawn
SpawnTrigger trigger name used to spawn this entity
szEntityName name of this entity


The details of the Pawn's actor are defined in a file called Pawn.ini, which is stored in the install folder. Each Pawn type is defined by a section in the file defined by enclosing its name in square brackets. A Pawn type called 'BigRat' would be defined by a section like the following:

actorname = rat.act name of actor to use
actorrotation = 0 180 0 rotation (in degrees) to stand actor up
actorscale = 1 scale of actor
actoralpha = 255 initial alpha of actor, default is 255
animationspeed = 1 multiplier for speed of actor animation
fillcolor = 255 255 255 color of actor
ambientcolor = 255 255 255 brightness of actor
subjecttogravity = true true if subject to gravity
boundingboxanimation = idle1 name of animation used for size of bounding box
shadowsize = 0 size of shadow bitmap
shadowalpha = 128 transparency of shadow bitmap
shadowalphamap = shadowalpha.bmp name of alpha bitmap for shadow
shadowbitmap = shadow.bmp name of bitmap used as shadow
projectedshadows = false whether this pawn casts a projected shadow or not
stencilshadows = false whether this pawn casts stencil shadows or not
icon = set:pawns image:rat CEGUI image used as the conversation icon
speakbone = head name of the bone in the actor at which the speak sounds will be played
environmentmapping = true if true then apply environment mapping to actor material
allmaterial = true if true apply environment mapping to all actor materials
percentmapping = 75 percentage of mapping to apply to material (0 to 100)
percentmaterial = 75 percentage of material to use while mapping (0 to 100)

icon is optional and can be used to identify the Pawn on the conversation screen.

speakbone is the name of the bone in the pawn actor at which the speak sounds will be played. If no bone name is provided the sound will be positioned at the bottom of the pawn actor.

If environmentmapping is set to true and allmaterial is false then only those actor materials whose name starts with env_ will have environment mapping applied to them.

If actoralpha is not specified a value of 255 is used.

To make a Pawn with no bounding box and that is invisible (used for camera movement) use

boundingboxanimation = nocollide

Shadows are disabled for Pawns of this type.

See the document on Pawn Scripting for details on controlling the Pawn at run time.

Pawn Weapons

You can define weapons in the Pawn.ini file that can be attached to the Pawn actor similar to the 3rd person weapons for the player. These weapon actors must have the same skeleton as the Pawn actor and require no animations, as they are animated by the Pawn actor's current animation. A Pawn weapon called '9mmAR' would be defined as follows

type = weapon mark this definition as a pawn weapon
actorname = 9mmar.act name of actor to use
actorrotation = 0 180 0 rotation (in degrees) to stand actor up
actorscale = 1 scale of actor
fillcolor = 255 255 255 color of actor
ambientcolor = 255 255 255 brightness of actor
environmentmapping = true if true then apply environment mapping to actor material
allmaterial = true if true apply environment mapping to all actor materials
percentmapping = 75 percentage of mapping to apply to material (0 to 100)
percentmaterial = 75 percentage of material to use while mapping (0 to 100)

If environmentmapping is set to true and allmaterial is false then only those actor materials whose name starts with env_ will have environment mapping applied to them.


You can define accessories in the Pawn.ini file that can be attached to the other actor similar to the 3rd person weapons for the player. These accessory actors must have the same skeleton as the actor they get attached to and require no animations, as they are animated by the actor's current animation. The definition is the same as for Pawn weapons except for the type value which has to be accessory.