Special Triggers

There are several special triggers available that are active when certain conditions exist in the level. The names of these are:

MovieMode on if ESC key was pressed in movie mode
InFirstPerson on if the current view is first person
PlayerDeath on if the player has started his dying animation
DeathESC on if ESC key was pressed after player's dying animation has played
DeathSpace on if Space Bar is pressed after player's dying animation has played

Player Death

When the player dies in a level you have several options of what can happen next. When the player's death animation is started a trigger called PlayerDeath is set to on. This can be used to trigger special effects or special camera sequences when the player dies. As well, you can control what happens after the death animation has finished.

In the PlayerSetup.ini file in the [Misc] section there is an entry called restartafterdeath. If this is true then pressing the ESC key after the death animation is finished will cause the level to restart. If it is false then a trigger called DeathESC is set to on and can be used to activate other entities that will cause the level to end or change to another level. If you press the Space bar after the death animation a trigger called DeathSpace is set to on. This also can be used to trigger other entities. This trigger is independent of the state of restartafterdeath.

Just remember, if restartafterdeath is false then a ChangeLevel entity must be activated at some point or the level will never end and you will be stuck at the point of death. If you choose to ignore the DeathESC trigger then the PlayerDeath trigger must activate a ChangeLevel entity or you remain stuck at death.