
The Spout entity uses the Spray effect.

Field Descriptions

The fields for the Spout entity are:

Field Description
AlphaName Name of alpha bitmap file to use
Angles Direction in which particles will shoot
BmpName Name of bitmap file to use
BoneName Name of actor bone to attach to
Bounce True if particles bounce if they hit something
ColorMax Maximum RGB values for each particle
ColorMin Minimum RGB values for each particle
DestVariance How much to vary spray dest point
EntityName Name of entity to attach to
Gravity Gravity vector to apply to each particle
MaxPauseTime High range of randomly chosen pause time (seconds)
MinPauseTime Low range of randomly chosen pause time (seconds)
MaxScale Max scale of the textures
MinScale Min scale of the textures
MaxSpeed Max speed of the textures
MinSpeed Min speed of the textures
MaxUnitLife Max life of the textures
MinUnitLife Min life of the textures
Model Name of model to attach to
ParticleCreateRate Every how many seconds to add a new particle
SourceVariance How much to vary spray source point
szEntityName Name of this entity
TotalLife How many seconds this spout lasts (set to 0 for continuous)
TriggerName Name of trigger entity to use
UseWind If true then this entity is affected by wind