The StaticEntityProxy is used to place an actor in the level being designed. When the level is loaded by the Reality Factory based game, all actors are loaded, placed, and animations get started for those with default animations. On player collision, an audio effect is played and (if supplied) a "collision animation" is played before switching back to any default animation.
The fields for the StaticEntityProxy entity are:
Field | Description |
ActorRotation | Rotation needed to properly orient actor in game |
AmbientColor | Color of actor ambient lighting |
AmbientLightFromFloor | Calculate ambient lighting from floor color instead of using AmbientColor |
AttributeAmt | Prop health points, or -1 if indestructible |
bCanPush | true if the player avatar can push this static actor around |
BoxSize | if not 0 then use as bounding box size |
ChangeMaterial | Name of section containing material change info |
Damage | Amount of damage done |
DamageAlt | Amount of alternate damage done |
DamageAttribute | Name of attribute damaged |
DamageDelay | Number of seconds until damage occurs again |
DamageTo | Name of attribute actor causes damage to |
DamageToAlt | Name of alternate attribute actor causes damage to |
DeathDissappear | true if actor is removed when dead |
DoDamage | true if actor does damage on collision |
FaceDestination | true if actor rotated to face destination |
FadeOut | if true and DeathDissappear is true fade out actor when dead |
FadeOutTime | Number of seconds until actor is totally transparent |
FillColor | Color of actor fill lighting |
fRadius | Audible range for sound |
GetDamaged | true if actor gets damaged on collision |
HideFromRadar | if true then does not show on radar |
InitialAlpha | Initial transparency of the static actor, from 0 to 255 with 0 being transparent |
IsAVehicle | true if actor can be ridden |
NoCollision | if true no collision with other actors |
ScaleFactor | Number to scale actor by |
ShadowAlpha | Transparency of actor shadow bitmap (0 to 255) |
ShadowAlphamap | Name of alpha bitmap to use for shadow |
ShadowBitmap | Name of bitmap to use for shadow |
ShadowSize | Radius of actor shadow bitmap, 0 is none |
SoundLoop | true if sound loops |
StepHeight | Height that actor can step up when moving |
SubjectToGravity | true if this actor will be subject to gravity |
szActorFile | Actor file to load for this proxy |
szDeathAction | Animation, if any, to play when entity is dying |
szDefaultAction | Default animation, if any, for this prop |
szEntityName | Name of entity, used in scripting and triggers |
szImpactAction | Animation, if any, to play when collided with |
szSoundFile | Sound to play on collision/activation |
UseKey | if true the actor can be activated by the Use Key |
EnvironmentMapping | if true use environment mapping on actor material |
AllMaterial | if true apply environment mapping to all material |
PercentMapping | percentage of mapping to apply to material (0 to 100) |
PercentMaterial | percentage of material to use while mapping (0 to 100) |
UseProjectedShadows | Use projected shadows for this actor |
UseStencilShadows | Use stencil shadows for this actor |
You can set the size of the bounding box used by the actor in the entity definition. The BoxSize entry can be used to set the bounding box size in all 3 directions. The dimensions are in texels.
If EnvironmentMapping is set to true and AllMaterial is false then only those actor materials whose name starts with env_ will have environment mapping applied to them.