Hello, and welcome to my website

I'm Brianna....

Brianna Nicole Munroe, to be exact

If you were here before,
then you know that my Mammaw started 
making this site for me before I was even born,
so I would have my own little place on the web
already reserved for when I got here.

 Well, it finally happened --- 
I'm here!


I made my grand entrance on
September 17th, 2006 at 11:06pm
I weighed 6 lbs 8 oz (2935g)
and measured 19¼ inches (49.4cm) 

Actually, Mommy didn't even know that I was 
on the way. I had been real nice and quiet in there, and she didn't have a clue. 
She found out, though, when she had to go to the emergency room, because of her appendix. 
Boy, was that a surprise!!! 
At first Mommy cried very hard, and said she didn't want to be pregnant. I got a little scared then, because I thought she might not want me. Mammaw was crying too, but then she calmed down and talked to Mommy, and told her that everything would be okay.
Pappaw, too, told her that it would be alright,
and then she was happy about me coming.   

They took a lot of pictures of me,
while I was still inside my Mommy's belly.
I didn't like having those pictures taken!
They always pushed around on Mommy's belly
and made me all uncomfortable.
It always felt like the roof was falling in,
and I had to move around to get comfortable again. It kept getting tighter and tighter in there!

I thought the picture thing would stop 
when I came out, but it just got worse.
Now they're taking even more pictures,
with bright lights and all, and keep waking me up.
And then they wonder why I get upset. Geez...

I guess Mammaw was right all along, too, 
when she said that I'd have my Mommy's nose 
--- *Sigh*  Poor me! --- 
No sense in denying it any longer.

That hiccups thing didn't stop either
after I came out. I hoped it would.
It's just so annoying!
I thought it was just happening because
Mommy was eating so much Chinese food,
but I guess that wasn't it after all.
Now I don't get no more Chinese food from her,
just this boring milk stuff,
and I still get the hiccups anyway!
Nobody asks me what I would like to eat. 
How about chocolate cake and ice cream? 
Yeah, that would be great!!!

They didn't ask me about this website either.
Mommy just assumed that I'd like Eeyore,
just because she does. 
Well, maybe I do, maybe I don't.
I'll let her know when I'm big enough 
to make up my own mind.

Mammaw actually got to go into the
room with Mommy, and watch me come out.
They had to give Mommy a C-section, 
because I was turned the wrong way
and my butt was over the exit so I couldn't
come out that way.
Mammaw was all happy that she 
got to hold me before anybody else,
and she even got to take pictures of me
right when I came out.
They're not very good ones, though,
because I'm all wrinkled and yucky.

Pappaw is really happy, now that I'm here. 
He likes to hold me, and feed me, 
and he talks to me. 
He tells me about how he's gonna take me
hunting and fishing with him when I'm big enough. I think I'll like that very much.
He's still worried, but that's just the way he is.
He worries a lot, you know, 
but I know he'll be a great Pappaw anyway!

My uncle Kyle wasn't sure at all what to think of me while I was still in Mommy's belly. He got to watch one of my ultrasounds, and it really freaked him out (or so I heard him say).
But he's okay, now that I'm here.
He even likes to hold me and feed me,
and he does a real good job with it, too.
I'm glad I got to come out in time
before he has to leave for college,
and he got to meet me while I was still brand new.

I have great-grandmas and great-grandpas too.
Here in West Virginia and far away in Germany.
They are all very excited about me getting here,
but my great-grandma and great-grandpa in Germany are a little sad, because they don't know when they'll get to meet me in person.
Mammaw says she'll send them a whole lot
of pictures of me, but I guess that's just not as good as if they were here or we were there.
Well, maybe someday....

Okay, that's enough for now, I guess.
So you can go now and look at my pictures,
and see if you think too that I have
my Mommy's nose.


Lots of love, Brianna