Wow! Mammaw was really quick this year,
and actually got my Christmas page done before Easter.

Hope you like the slide-show.

 Mammaw also took me to K-Mart to have some real fancy pictures made.
You can take a look at those here if you'd like.


And then I had a whole lot of Christmas presents to unwrap
over at Grams's house. Here are some pictures of that.



I just don't know why Mammaw still left that old Eeyore donkey on here.
Doesn't she know that I'm getting way too old for things like that?
How about some Hannah Montana instead?

And while you're at it, Mammaw,
how about replacing the music on this juke box with some Hannah songs too?
Yeah, that would be cool!
But Mammaw didn't even get around to fixing "the glitch" yet.
So if you click on the "More Songs" button, and all the buttons
turn red for a moment, then that's because it's reloading.




Well, despite the Eeyore and old-fashioned music,
I hope you enjoyed this again anyway
and come back next year.


You can just close this page too when you're done here.
Or, if you'd like to see last year's Christmas page and the slide-show there,
then you can click here.