Rick found Dodger along a stretch of Highway, out towards...uh, wherever that was. The little thing was out there dodging coal trucks (hence the name, Dodger), and when Rick pulled over and opened the car door, the dog jumped on in, made himself comfortable in the passenger seat, and gave him a "well, let's go" look. That was a week before Christmas, 1993, and he became a member of our family until he passed away in March of 2000.

Muffin? Well, she actually belongs across the road at my in-laws' house, but she doesn't seem to like sharing a home with 5 other cats. She kept coming over to our house, and we made the mistake to let her in once. She stayed around for over 6 months. She and Dodger had a mutual (mis-) understanding going--he used to eat her catfood, and she used to eat his dogfood. They were buddies! She left a day after we lost Dodger. Came back a couple of times, as if to check if he had come back, too. But those visits became more and more frequent and then stopped completely.