Once a young man
Dreamed of glory
To go into battle
To tell the stories

Of brave young men
Their blood shed
Spilled onto the ground
Their glory dead

War my friend
Between political parties
Who should not mix death
With their ideologies

You love your Country
As do I
You did what was needed
However, some died

But war now has changed
It's not of your heart
Those who started it
Play absolutely no part

Young men have died
Believing they mattered
But truth always prevails
When their blood's been scattered

It's the view of which
Politicians will take
It's an upcoming election
The votes are at stake

So when your son
Goes off to a war
In a third-world country
That's no business of ours

Look to those you elected
Who won't carry a gun
But send our young men
Until the killing is done

We need to protect
What's right here at home
And stop worrying about others
Our vets have won

Sometimes in the darkness
I can clearly see
The faces of men
Who tried to kill me

I hold no grudge
I feel no remorse
I followed my orders
I stayed on course

I fulfilled my objective
The mission I completed
Only a few dead
My ammo depleted

Then I awake
The smoke finally clears
I'm home again
I'm the only one here

Sometimes my dreams
They become so real
Am I really there
Or is it just here?

The smell of my sweat
The pounding in my ears
I've got to wake up
Realize that I'm here

So where is here?
I haven't a clue
It's dark and cold
And I can't find you

The battle rages
More blood leaks out
More cries of pain
More guts on the ground

Where is our support?
Who's called for fire?
The Lieutenant is dead
The radio's expired

The battle goes on
More blood on the ground
I crawl to my buddy
Through the gunfire around

He is on his side
Not moving and quiet
Could he be asleep?
No, not with this racket

When I roll him over
It's then I discover
His chest is laid open
His heart is uncovered

I reel back in horror
His eyes stare at me
I could be next
The bullet I won't see

I awake in darkness
Once again I'm at home
My wife is beside me
But I'm still alone

Only a few
Know the real strife
You remember the battle
For the rest of your life

Your friends and comrades
Perished so horribly
You keep asking yourself
Why wasn't it me?

Did I serve a purpose?
Why was I spared?
The answer's uncertain
Lord, I'm so scared

Such is the night
For a combat vet
Under a bridge in a box
Or at home in his bed

Forgive us O' Lord
We completed our mission
We followed our orders
We stopped the aggression

Now in our need
Please show us patience
We're only human
Admire our dedication




Copyright © Richard E. Munroe Jr. , 1999