Lord, in this land that was founded
on Your Righteous and Holy name,
We all understand the gruesome reality,
when playing war's deadly games.

But I have one request Lord,
Please, just hear me until I'm through;
We know, Lord, from the past
that death in war is true.

So for the Sailor that meets his fate,
can You give him a special place,
For it's the salted air of the seas he needs,
to feel upon his face.

Can You place them on a heavenly ship,
so they can once again feel the rolling of the waves,
A special place so they'll know,
we appreciate all they gave.

And, Lord, for that Pilot that failed to return,
from his last mission in war's quest,
Please give him angel's unfailing wings,
we know, Lord, Yours are best.

He has the need to see the view
always from way up high,
But most of all, Lord, let him know,
his memory will never die.

The Soldiers, Lord, that find the gate,
please give them what they need;
A moments rest, and a quiet thought,
and an angel to mend what bleeds.

They have the instinct to always defend-
so a field to watch over,
A running stream of milk and honey,
and a patch of soft warm clover.

Now, Lord, about those Marines,
I know they're quite rowdy and rough,
But that's just because they are considered
to be so dog-gone tough.

Just throw them in among the rest
and watch how high they fly,
And listen for their basic yell,
it will be something like "Semper Fi".

Lord, I have but one final request;
it's Old Glory they must all see,
So they'll know they won the battle
in this war to keep us free.

Lord, each morning as those Colors rise,
they'll salute her with pride,
Remind them, Lord, every day,
that it was with honor that they died.


© Lisa Hilbers

(used with permission)

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