We got Seneca when she was only 4 weeks old. Her Mommy, a registered German Rottweiler, rejected all her pups, and Rick brought this one home as a Valentine's present. She's got her good looks from her Daddy, a registered Golden Retriever. Coincidentally, Seneca's birthday is on the same day as Kyle's. She is spoiled rotten, hard-headed, does everything on her terms, and doesn't know she's a dog. The only reason she actually eats her dog food is so that Dakota don't get it. Until he became a member of the family, she absolutely refused to touch that stuff.

Dakota showed up at our house, on a cold Sunday morning in January of 2004. He looked tired, hungry, and was limping convincingly. Well, we let him in, and the rest (as they say) is history. Every now and then the "road-dog" in him still takes over and he has to run if he manages to get loose. Doesn't go too far anymore, though, just chases a couple of Mom's cats, stops over to see Tami and bum a doggie-biscuit, then comes home because (much to Rick's dismay) he's absolutely and totally "in love" with Petty. Dakota and Rick have this mutual jealousy-thing going on, it's hilarious!


PS: They're both fixed, but Dakota still loves to annoy Seneca by trying to "talk her into it".