2 to 3 strips of deer tenderloin or a nice butt-roast
3-4 eggs

flour or seasoned breadcrumbs (pre-seasoned flour, if available, really gives it an extra-special taste)
margarine & shortening
(approx. 1 cup each, depending on serving size)
salt & pepper
(other favorite seasonings may be substituted)


* Clean tenderloin or roast thoroughly, slice into approx. ¼ inch thick pieces
* blend eggs well (possibly add a "swig" of milk), season lightly with salt and pepper
*season meat pieces (usually not necessary when using pre-seasoned flour, unless you like it "hot")
* heat margarine
and shortening in deep frying pan to 350° to 375°F
* roll meat pieces in egg and flour alternately
(2x each)
* fry pieces at 300° to 350°F, turning frequently, until golden brown
* check on thickest, meatiest part for doneness
* place done pieces on heat-resistant plate or platter
* cover with aluminum foil and place in pre-warmed oven (150°F) while frying remaining pieces



TIP: when using flour (instead of breadcrumbs) for the batter,
------ttry a new, different taste by making the egg the last thing you dip
------ the pieces in before placing them in the frying pan.
-------IT'S DELICIOUS!!!




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