3 or 4 medium sized ripe bananas
a heapin' scoop
(approx 1 cup) butter or margarine
sugar and cinnamon
(pre-mixed or unmixed, as much as suits your "need for sweet")


* peel bananas and slice them lenghtwise
* cut banana halves into approx. 2 inch long pieces
* melt butter or margarine in frying pan
(medium heat, be careful not to scorch butter)
* place banana slices into melted butter
generously sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over each banana slice
* simmer first side of slices for about 5 minutes at approx. 250 to 275
* turn banana slices over carefully and sprinkle other side with sugar and cinnamon
--(amount of sugar and cinnamon depends on individual preference, but don't be too stingy with it)
* simmer banana slices for another 5 to 10 minutes until they are soft (don't let them get too soft)
* additional sugar and cinnamon can be added until the butter-sauce has a syrup-like consistency
* serve immediately


TIP: vanilla ice-cream, cool-whip, or whipped cream make excellent toppings
------DON'T think about the calories of this little sugar-rush---JUST ENJOY IT!!!



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