I remember just like yesterday;
his first days at school,
Dressed up in his new clothes and shoes,
Man, did he think he was cool.

He was so smart and full of life;
and always wore that winning smile.
Packed with mischief, he surely was;
He often set in the corner a while.

At night I'd tuck him into bed,
Don't kiss me Mom, I'm too big, he'd say.
But, I'd tickle him 'til he gave in,
Then kiss him anyway.

And so each night beside his bed;
on bended knees I'd pray,
Lord, Please protect my little boy,
And keep him from harms way.

Today I'd give all I own;
to have those precious years back,
For now he is a brave young soldier,
Fighting in Iraq.

In each letter I receive,
I hear those same nightly sounds,
This time though, it's~ Don't worry Mom,
Real soon, I'll be home bound.

And so each night beside his bed;
on bended knees I pray,
Lord Please protect my brave young Soldier,
And keep him from harms way.