
Sweetheart, I knew
you had another love,
the day we said I do,
That I would have to share our lives,
with a Country you loved so true.

So many times I lay
and cried,
When you would go away,
On all those training weeks and months,
but it was then I learned to pray.

I'll never forget
that gleaming smile,
that filled your handsome face,
When I told you, you'd soon be a Dad,
You were overjoyed with grace.

Then the rumors of
war grew thick,
and we had to face reality's fears,
That when the time came for the birth,
You would not be here.

This morning as I
dressed our son,
at your photo he began to stare,
So I held it up real close to him,
and said, "Hey, that is your Daddy there".

As I sat and watched
them fold the Flag,
tears rolled from my eyes,
For it was then I first realized,
You would never hear his cry.

This Flag I'll hang
above his crib,
and your photo on his wall;
and I'll tell him the reason you were not here,
is because you loved him most of all.
© Lisa Hilbers

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