Cutting The Ties

Here is one to be used for "cutting the ties" with either a stalker or someone who you have trouble obsessively loving. I have used it personally for my ex-husband and when I feel I am "love addicting" on someone rather than being healthy. Also used it for a friend who was being stalked by an ex.

Need to have -
Sage and/or rose water.
String (you can use yarn or even ribbon for presents)
Scissors or knife sharp enough to cut whatever you use for string (it's nice if the tool can be a consecrated one)
Place or container that pieces of string can be burned in
Note: Be sure to be careful of the fire, providing plenty of protection for the environment whether inside or outdoors.
Oil for blessing the chakras with (recommend lavender for this)
Candles, altar settings for empowerment (you can set the altar with colors that you find empowering and also you can surround yourself with empowering objects such as symbols of achievements like diplomas, pictures of successful moments, momentos of success, but make sure they are very positive)

Ground and center.

Create sacred space (call powers or corners).

Sage off and/or use rose water to bless self.

Take a length of string long enough to cut at least 7 times (once for each chakra).

You will be cutting the ties with the person for each chakra. If you don't feel you have any ties with the person on that particular chakra you can skip.

Start with the root chakra. This will be for sexuality and any other physical ties with that person. Hold a string to the chakra and state, "I, name, hereby sever all ties with (name of person you are cutting ties with) in the areas of physical connections. BB, SMIB (or whatever ending you like in your tradition.) Cut the string. Burn or have your assistant or priestess burn.
If possible annoint the chakra with oil after the cutting of ties. (this might be difficult if clothed, so use discretion based on the modesty of the individual. You might just use the rose water or a mister for cleansing instead. When I am alone, I do the spell in the nude for ease of annointing.

Go through each chakra -
Womb or Naval - ties of nurturing, caring for
Solar Plexis, Ego - ties of ego or self definition
Heart - ties of love
Throat - ties of self expression, how you present yourself socially
Third Eye (forehead) -ties of a psychic nature, mental ties
Crown (top of head)- Spiritual ties, especially if you are making the person your "Higher Power"...

End with a prayer or chant that restores your inner beauty or power. You can use the Navajo Beauty chant very effectively here if need be. Or meditation on your past successes and on your character assets and talents. Sometimes a nice invocation of strong ancestors (especially of your gender or sexual preference, someone you identify with) can also help.

After you complete, close the circle, dismiss the powers. You should dispose of the ashes either by burying or by running water.

NOTE of Warning: Oftentimes you will see the person in question and/or someone who reminds you of them one time in the next few weeks following the spell. Be careful not to re-initiate contact or you will break the spell. Also note that this spell tends to bring up strong feelings. Be very careful to be very supportive of yourself. You may feel anger, grief, loss, etc. Make sure you nourish yourself with healthy foods and beverages, and avoid intoxicants immediately before, during, and after the spell.

Submitted by: Rose Northcrowe Lemonde
