Tie Up Your Troubles (AIR SPELL)

On a sturdy, preferably dead, bush or shrub still planted in the ground, in a place where the winds blow clear and free, tie or push onto the tip of a branch or twig one leaf for every one of the ills that is bothering you. If you tie the leaf, do so loosely and use a natural fiber cord.

This is all you have to do, for the North Wind will rise and, perhaps slowly, untie and free the leaves, thereby releasing energy and going to work to alleviate the ills besetting you.

This spell works over a period of days or even weeks, not minutes, so leave the shrub after performing the spell. If you wait and watch, the wind might never rise. (Of course, it gives you a head start to perform this work during a stiff North breeze!)

This is from Scott Cunningham's book "Earth Power"

