Merry Meet & Bright Blessings

Welcome to my little corner of the universe. Here you will find all the things that are important to me. I am Autumn and I am Wicca. I follow the Celtic tradition. Before we go any further, I have a wicked sense of humor.

I live in West Virginia with my husband, our Cockatiel named Tommy, our Quaker Parrot named Toni, our dogs Sasha and Dusty, and our cat named Boots.

One of my hobbies is growing herbs and using them for healing as well as cooking. I also like to spend as much time as possible in the outdoors. I love camping, hiking, swimming, white-water rafting and horse-back riding. The other hobbies include, but aren't limited to: music (any and all music but with special love for Celtic), working out at the gym, yoga, baking, reading, and any kind of (women's) crafts (mostly focusing on Crochet and Knit). lol. I also spend quite a bit of time in Wizard 101 playing a Wizard.

And on the other side of the spectrum, I work on cars. (By this; I mean that I do my own brakes, I replaced my starter, and I also do all of my major and minor tune-ups). Oh, and I not only change my own flat tires, I plug them when possible. Of course, since I married, I don't get to do much of that anymore. In the Summer, my home used to be Adventures On The Gorge. I was a Whitewater guide for trips down the New River and the lower section of the Gauley River. These always suited me really well. *smile* Nowadays, I work at the VA Hospital. I am hoping to make it a permanent career, since I am a Veteran of the Navy. With lifes' little twists and turns, you never know. So, we'll just have to wait and see.

I believe very strongly in magick. It is everywhere that you look. Magick is something I define as a natural part of the order of the Universe. And if used properly can be of great benefit to mankind, as well as any person who dares to reach out and use it. (And by properly, I mean only that you do not use it with intent to harm). I believe very much in the Wiccan Rede. Which states: An it harm none, do what thou wilt.

On these pages you will find links to other places where you can get information on Wicca. I would ask only that if you are someone who does not know what Wicca is, please view these with an open mind. All beings have the right to be who and what they are. And this is good. Because no one path can be right for all.

Merry Meet and Merry Part until Merry We Meet Again.