Acuecucyoticihuati: Goddess of the ocean, running water, and rivers. She is invoked by women in labor.

Atlacamani: The Goddess of the storms which occur on the ocean.

Atlacoya: Goddess of drought.

Atlatonin: One of the names of the Mother-Goddess.

Ayauhteotl: The Goddess of the Haze and Mist which can be seen at night and early in the morning. She is associated with Vanity and Fame.

Chalchihuitlicue: Matron Goddess of rivers, streams and marriage. Consort of the God Tlaloc.

Chalmecacihuilt: Goddess of the Underworld.

Chantico: Goddess of hearth and volcano fires.

Chicomecoatl: The Goddess of Maize. She is sometimes called "Goddess of Nourishment", a Goddess of Plenty and the female aspect of corn. Every September a young girl representing Chicomecoatl was sacrificed. The priests decapitated the girl, collected her blood and poured it over a figurine of the goddess. The corpse was then flayed and the skin was worn by a priest.

Chiconahui: Hearth Goddess and Guardian of the Household.

Cihuacoatl: Earth Mother Goddess. Goddess of Corn. She was replaced later by Cinteotl.

Cincoatl: Goddess of the Earth.

Citlalicue: Creator Goddess. With Citlalatonac, created the stars.

Ciucoatl: A Goddess of the Earth.

Coatlicue: Goddess of Earth and Fire.

Coyolxauhqui: Goddess of the Moon and Earth. Shown with golden bells on her cheeks. Giver of Harvests and Children. Goddess of the Night. Slew her Mother, Coatlicue.

Huixtocihuatl: Fertility Goddess. Connected with Salt and Salt Water.

Itzpapalotl: Goddess of agriculture.

Iztaccihuatl: Iztaccihuatl was the daughter of an Aztec Emperor in the Valley of Mexico. She had the misfortune of falling in love with one of her father's warriors. As soon as her father discovered their relationship, he sent her lover away to a war in Oaxaca. He told the young man that if he survived and returned he would give him Iztaccihuatl as his wife. The Emperor never intended for the young warrior to return as he planned to marry Iztaccihuatl to another man. While her lover was away, Iztaccihuatl was told he was dead and she died of grief. Upon the young warrior's return, he took Iztaccihuatl's body in his arms and carried her to the mountains. He placed her down on the ground and knelt beside her, himself dying of grief. The gods took pity on them, covering them with a blanket of snow and transforming them into mountains. Iztaccihuatl today is known as the "Sleeping Woman", as the mountain appears to be a woman laying on her side. He became Popocatepetl, or "Smoking Mountain", the volcano that still rains down his revenge for the death of his lover.

Malinalxochi: Sorceress Goddess with power over scorpions, snakes and other stinging, biting insects of the desert.

Mayahuel: The Goddess of the Maguey Plant.

Mictlancihuatl: Consort of the God Mictlantecuhtli.

Omecihuatl: Creator Goddess.

Teteoinnan: Mother of the Gods.

Tlazolteotl: Goddess of the Crescent Moon. She was also the Goddess of filth, and earth, and dirt. She was the crone aspect of the Goddess and was much like the Greek Hecate in aspect. Goddess of Sex.

Tonacacihuatl: An Aztec Goddess. She is the wife of the Creator God Tonacatecuhtli. She is the female principle.

Tonantzin: A Mother-Goddess.

Xilonen: Goddess of Maize.

Xochiquetzal: Goddess of birds, butterflies, song, dance and love. Goddess of all women. Protectress of artisans, prostitutes, pregnant women and birth. She was a Moon virgin and was the Aztec version of Aphrodite.


Acolmiztli: God of the underworld.

Acolnahuacatl: God of the underworld.

Amimitl: God of lakes and fish hunters.

Atl: God of Water.

Atlaua: God of fisherman and called "Lord of the Waters".

Camaxtli: God of war, hunting, and fate. Creator of Fire.

Centeotl: God of Maize.

Centzonuitznaua: Gods of the southern stars. Rebel brothers of the Sun God.

Chalchiuhtlatonal: God of Water.

Chalchiutotolin: God of pestilence.

Chalmecatl: God of the underworld.

Chicomexochtli: God of painters.

Chiconahuiehecatl: A minor Creator God.

Citlalatonac: God who created the stars.

Cochimetl: God of merchants and commerce.

Ehecatl: God of the Winds. He brings life to all that is lifeless.

Huehueteotl: God of fire. His festival was August 1st.

Huitzilopochtli: God of the Sun, death, storms, and journeys.

Itzcoliuhqui: Obsidian Knife God. God of Darkness, volcanic eruptions, and disaster.

Itzli: Stone Knife God. God of sacrifice.

Ixtlilton: God of healing, medicine, games and feasting.

Macuilxochitl: The God of Music and Dance.

Metztli: Moon God.

Mextli: The principal God of the Mexicans (hence the name of their country), more usually called Huitzilopochtli. Hundreds of human beings were offered to him annually as sacrifices. Mextli is the God of War and Storms, and was born fully armed.

Mictlantecuhtli: God of the Underworld. Associated with the Goddess Mictlancihuatl. His animals are the bat, owl and spider.

Mixcoatl: God of the hunt and war. Also, ruler of the polar star.

Nanauatzin: God who sacrificed himself in a fire so that the sun could shine on the world.

Omacatl: God of feasts and joy.

Ometecuhtli: Creator God and God of fire. The highest God of the Aztec pantheon. Ruled over duality and the unity of opposites.

Opochtli: God of fishing, hunting and bird snaring.

Patecatl: God of healing and fertility.

Paynal: Messenger God to Huitzilopochtli.

Popocatepetl: A young warrior who fell in love with Iztaccihuatl, the Emperor's daughter. When he was sent away to fight in a war, the girl died of grief. Upon his return, he took her body with him and carried her to the mountains, where he himself died of grief. They were transformed into mountains by the Gods who took pity on them.

Quetzalcoatl: Major God of the Aztecs and other Middle American peoples. A creator God. God of the wind, water and fertility. God of Fate. Master of Life, civilization, and the arts.

Tecciztecatl: Moon God.

Teoyaomqui: God of dead warriors.

Tepeyollotl: God of Caves and the Earth. Believed to create earthquakes and the echo.

Tezcatlipoca: God of Night. God of Shadows. His animal is the Jaguar.

Tlahuixcalpantecuhtli: God of the dawn and Venus as the morning star.

Tlaloc: God of Nature and Water.

Tlaltecuhtli: Monster Earth God.

Tloquenahuaque: The Unknown God of the Aztec, believed to be a Creator God.

Tonatiuh: Sun-God and God of Warriors.

Tonacatecuhtli: The Food Giving God.

Tzitzimime: God of the stars.

Ueuecoyotl: God of Sex and irresponsible merrymaking.

Xipe Totec: God of Agriculture. His festival was in February. Xochiquetzal was his Mother.

Xiuhcoatl: Fire-snake. God of Drought and Scorched Earth.

Xiuhtecuhtli: Xiuhtecuhtli, also called Huehueteotl (Old God), is the Senior-Deity of the Aztec Pantheon. He is the personification of light in the darkness, warmth in coldness, and life in death. A God of Light and Fire.

Xochipilli: God of flowers, dance, love, games, beauty, and song.

Xocotl: God of fire and the stars.

Xolotl: God of the Underworld. Rival of the sun deities.

Non-Gender Specific

Ometeotl: The Deity of Antithesis, represented as both male and female.