Ba: Daughter of heaven.

Bixia Yuanjin: Taoist Goddess of dawn, destiny, and childbirth.

Ch'ang-O: Goddess of the Moon. On Mabon there would be a female-only celebration where the Goddess was offered statues of little Hares, and crescent moon cakes called "Yue-ping".

Chih Nu: She was the daughter of Yu-huang, a Jade Emperor of China (High God of China).

Dha-shi-zhi: Female bodhisattva of Chinese Buddhism. She broke the cycle of rebirth for all through the power of her love.

Dou-Mu: Goddess who supervises the register where all births and deaths are recorded.

Feng Po-po: Goddess of the Wind.

Gong De Tian: Goddess of luck. Holds a wish fulfilling pearl in her left hand.

Han Lu: Goddess of the Harvest and Moon.

He Xian-gu: The only female member of the Ba xian.

Heng O: Chinese Moon Goddess and symbol of the Yin.

Ji Nu: A Stellar goddess.

Jian Di: Ancestral Mother who accidentally swallowed a multi-colored swallow's egg and gave birth thereafter to the ancestors of the Shang Dynasty.

Kuan Yin: Goddess of Compassion, childbirth, and Fertility.

Lei-zi: Goddess of Thunder. Taught the chinese the art of breeding silkworms.

Nu-gua: Goddess who created the first human beings from yellow mud.

Nu-kua: Goddess who invented Marriage.

Nu Wa: Goddess of those who arrange marriages.

Pan Jin Lian: Goddess of fornication and prostitutes.

Qi Gu-niang: Goddess venerated by young girls wanting to know who they will marry.

Ran-deng: A Chinese beggar-woman and a future Buddha.

Shing-Moo: Our Lady Moon.

Song-zi-niang-niang: Goddess who bestows children.

Tian Hou: Goddess of the sky and protector of fishermen.

Tian-Mu: Goddess of Lightening.

Wang Mu niang-niang: Goddess and keeper of the Peaches of Immortality.

Xi Shi: Goddess of merchants who sell face creams and perfumes.

Xi Wang-mu: Goddess of immortality and embodiment of the element of Yin.

Zhi-ni: Goddess of spinners, who wove the robes of all other divinites.


Ba Xian: "Eight Immortals" of Taoist mythology, and among the best known deities of China. The deities of the Ba Xian represent eight conditions of human existence: youth, old age, poverty, wealth, the populace, nobility, masculine and feminine.

Cai-shen: God of prosperity in both Taoist and folk religion.

Cao guo-jiu: One of the Ba Xian. He became a hermit from shame and became an immortal after being taught the secret of perfection. He is the patron of actors.

Cheng-huang: Deities who protect and help the cities under their care.

Chu Jiang: King of the second Hell of Taoist belief, the hell of thieves and murderers. It is believed to be a large lake of ice.

Da-yu: The Founder of the Xia Dynasty, called Yu the Great. He is the Son of the Earth God Gun.

Di-cang: One of the 4 great bodhisattvas of Chinese Buddhism. He liberates souls which dwell in the various hells.

Di-guan: Ruler of the Earth in religious Taoism. Forgives sins and transgressions.

Di-ya: Di-ya and Tian-long are Chinese Deities and the servants of Wen Chang, the God of Literature. Another myth mentions them as the primordial pair of Gods from whom all creatures came forth.

Dong-yue da-di: Helper of the sky God Yu-huang.

Erh-Lang: God who chases away evil spirits.

Fan-kui: God of Butchers.

Fei Lian: God of the Winds.

Feng Bo: The "Earl of the Wind". The human form of Fei Lian, the God of the Wind.

Fu Xi: The first of three noble Emperors of the San-huang.

Fu-xing: God of Happiness, one of the San-xing.

Gao Yao: Ancient God of Judgement.

Gou Mang: Messenger of the Sky-God.

Guan-di: Taoist God of War.

Gun: An Earth God.

Han: Chinese River God of the Han River.

Han Xian-zi: One of the popular Ba Xian. Usually portrayed holding a flute, basket of flowers or a peach.

He Bo: A powerful River God.

Hou-Chi: Ancient Harvest Deity.

Hou Ji: God of Millet.

Hou Tu: God of Earth and soil.

How-chu: God of the Air.

How-too: ancient Earth God.

Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti: God who removes evil spirits and demons.

Hu Jing-de: Guardian God.

Huang-di: One of the legendary Chinese Emperors.

Huang Fei-hu: Originally an Earth God, became a Mountain god who rules the mountain of Tai Shan in eastern China.

Huang-lao: Taoist deity. Named for the founders of Taoism.

Huang-lao-jun: Important deity of early Taoism. He is said to have returned to earth several times as the great teachers of Taoism.

Jian Lao: God of the earth and permanence.

Jin Jia: God of literature.

Kuan Ti: God of war and fortunetelling.

Kui-xing: Stellar God.

Kwan Yin: One of the great bodhisattvas of Chinese Buddhism. Patron of mercy and childless women.

Lan Cai-he: One of the Ba Xian.

Lao-jun: Deified form of Lao-zi, one of the founders of Taoism.

Lao-Tien-Yeh: The Great God. The Jade Emperor.

Lei-gong: Chinese God of Thunder.

Li T'ien: Li T'ien is the first known user of the fire-cracker against demons (11th century). This success led to the widespread use of fireworks.

Li Tie-guai: One of the Ba xian. Depicted as crippled in one leg and using a crutch.

Ling-bao tian-zong: Ruler of the Second Heaven of Taoist Teachings. Guardian of magical writings. He calculates time and regulates the yin and yang.

Ling-guan: The Transcendental Official, and the guardian of the palace of Yu-huang.

Liu Bei: God of straw shoe sellers and basket makers.

Long-wang: Gods of funerals and rain.

Lu Ban: God of carpenters.

Lu Dong-bin: One of the Ba Xian. Considered compassion to be the main way of attaining perfection.

Lu-xing: God of the imperial Star.

Ma Wang: God of horses.

Ma-mian: The Bureaucrat of the Underworld.

Men-shen: Two Gods who guard the double-doorways of Chinese dwellings and public building.

Mo-hi-hai: God of Water.

Mu Gong: Taoist God of immortality and Lord of the East. The embodiment of Yang.

Mu-king: God of Fire.

Nan-chi Hsien-weng: God of Longevity.

Niu Wang: God of Cattle.

Pa: God of drought.

Pa-cha: God who protects crops from locusts.

Qin-shu-pao: Guardian God of the Double Doorway, one of the Men-shen. Originally a general from the Tang Dynasty.

Ru Shou: Messenger of the sky-God.

San-qing: The 3 Taoist Heavens and the 3 immorals who inhabit them.

San-xing: 3 stellar Gods of good fortune. Fu-xing(Lucky Star), Lu-xing(Star of Honor), and Shou-xing(star of Longevity).

Shen Yi: Sun God.

Shen-nung: God who created the plow and taught man the artsof agriculture and medicine.

Shou-lao: Taoist God of good luck and longevity.

Shou-Hsing: God of longevity and old people. Keeper of the book of the life-span of humans.

Shou-xing: A Stellar Deity, one of the San-xing. His name means "Star of Longevity".

Shui-guan: God of water and overcoming of obstacles.

Shun: One of the Wu-di, the five legendary emperors of Chinese mythology.

Si-ming: God of Fate.

Song Di: King of the 3rd hell of Chinese Legend.

Sun-pi: God of Cobblers.

Tai-sui-xing: God of time and the planets.

Tai-yi: The supreme deity of some Chinese myths.

Tai-yue da-di: Ruler of earth and mankind in Taoist faith.

Tao-de tian-zong: Heavenly ruler of the most supreme of Taoist heavens.

Tian-guan: Ruler of Heaven and a God of good luck.

Tian-long: One of the Servant Gods of Wen Chang, together with Di-ya.

Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-Sa: God of Mercy. Knowledge for reincarnation.

Tsai Shen: God of Wealth.

Tu-di: Gods of Small Areas.

We-duo: The Buddhist Divine General of the ruler of the southern hemisphere. He is represented as a young soldier in splendid armor.

Wei Cheng: Guardian of the back door of homes and public buildings.

Wei-tuo: God of Teaching.

Wen-chang: Taoist God of Literature and Writing.

Wen-shu: One of the 4 great Bodhisattvas of China.

Wu Guan: The King of the Fourth Chinese Hell, the Hell of the Lake of Blood.

Wu-di: The five legendary Emperors, successors of the San-huang.

Xian: Being who has attained physical immortality in religious Taoism.

Yang Jing: Goat God, protects his patrons from wild animals.

Yan-lo: God of the Dead and Lord of the 5th Hell.

Yao: A mythical Emperor of China. He is one of the Wu-di.

Yao-shi: Chinese Buddha who is dedicated to saving lives, healing wounds and curing disease.

Yen-di: A legendary Chinese Emperor, one of the San-huang.

Yen-lo-wang: Earth God

Yeng-Wang-Yeh: Ruler of Hell.

Yi-Ti: God of wine.

Yuan-shi tian-zong: The "Celestial Venerable of the Primordial Beginning", one of the highest Deities of religious Taoism. He is one of the pure ones, the so-called San-qing and resides in the Heaven of Jade Purity.

Yu-huang: The Jade Emperor of chinese mythology.

Yu-qiang: God of the sea and the ocean winds.

Zao-jun: God of the heart, home and family.

Zhang Fei: God of butchers.

Zhang Guo-lao: One of the Ba Xian.

Zhang Xian: Bestower of male offspring on those who follow him.

Zhi Song-zi: God of rain.

Zhong kui: Taoist God of the afterlife and exorcism.

Zhong Li-quan: One of the Ba Xian.

Zhu Rong: God of fire and ruler of the South.

Zhu-yi: The Red Robed One, a Deity often found in the company of Wen-chang. He acts as the patron of ill-prepared candidates for official examinations.

Zi-yu: God who invented war and weapons.