Amathaunta: Goddess of the Sea.

Amaunet: Mother Goddess and personification of the nothern wind.

Amenti: This Goddess greeted the dead as they made their entrance in the West.

Ammit: This Goddess devoured souls who were no longer meant to exist.

Ankt: Spear-carrying Goddess of war.

Anouke: Elder Goddess of war. Pictured with bow and arrows.

Anuket: Goddess of the Nile river and nourisher of the fields.

Bast: Goddess of Cats. She was identified with the Greek Goddess Artemis. She was known as the Mother of Cats, and the black cat was especially sacred to her. This is the wife of Ra. The cats from her temple were embalmed upon their deaths.

Bat: Cow Goddess of fertility.

Beset: Female version of the God Bes.

Buto: Snake Goddess of the Oracle at Buto and protector of the Egyptian Royal Family.

Hathor: Mother of all Gods and Goddesses. She carried the Sacred Eye of Ra.

Hatmehit: Fish Goddess.

Hauhet: Goddess of immeasureable infinity.

Hedetet: Scorpion Goddess.

Heket: Goddess of childbirth and protector of the dead.

Hemsut: Goddess of Fate.

Hesat: Cow Goddess and Goddess of Milk.

Ipet: Goddess of childbirth and mother of the two lands.

Isis: Goddess of Marriage and Domestic life. Her mate was her brother Osiris. She was the mother of Horus.

Kebechet: Goddess who represents purification through water.

Ma'at: Goddess of Truth, Judgement, and Cosmic Balance.

Mehturt: Sky-Goddess.

Menhit: Goddess of War. Seen as a Lionness.

Meret: Goddess of Song and Rejoicing.

Meretseger: Goddess of the mountain overlooking the Valley of the Kings.

Mesenet: Egyptian Goddess of childbirth.

Meskhenet: Goddess of midwives and the birth chamber.

Mut: Primordial Goddess of the sky and the Mother of Mothers.

Naunet: Goddess of the primordial abyss of the underworld.

Neith: Goddess of the Lower Heavens. She is a warrior Goddess.

Nekhbet: The Creator Goddess.

Nephthys: Dark Moon Goddess. She was sister to Isis and Mother of Anubis by her brother Osiris. Her husband is her brother Set.

Nepit: Grain Goddess.

Nunet: Goddess of the Ocean.

Nut: This Goddess is the Mother of 4 of the primary Gods and Goddesses of the Egyptian Pantheon. Her body is the Sky and her husband is Seb; the Earth. Her children were Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys.

Pachet: Goddess of the desert.

Quetesh: The meaning of this Goddesses name is Holy One. She is the Goddess of Sacred Love.

Renenet: Goddess of plenty and good fortune.

Renenutet: Goddess of the harvest.

Renpet: Goddess of Spring and youth.

Sekhmet: This Goddess was known as Fierce Lionness. The Cat was sacred to her also. Violent Goddess of war and divine vengeance.

Satet: Goddess of the flooding Nile and fertility.

Serket: Scorpion Goddess. Teacher of the dead and protector of the canopic jars which house the bodily organs of mummies.

Seshat: Record-keeper of the Gods. She was the wife of Thoth. She presides over writing, measurement, calculation, record-keeping, hieroglyphics, time, stars, history, books, and invention.

Shai: Goddess of Fate.

Sia: Primeval Goddess embodying the Mind.

Sopdet: Fertility Goddess and the Dog Star, Sirius.

Taouris: Goddess of pregnancy and birth.

Tefnut: Goddess of Moisture. Produced Seb, Nut, and Shu.

Tenenit: Goddess of Beer.

Uadjet: An ancient Goddess who is often paired with Nekhbet.

Unut: Hare Goddess.

Wosyet: Goddess protector of the young.


Aker: God of the Earth and the dead.

Amun: God of reproduction, fertility, generation, wind, air, prophecy, and agriculture.

Amun-Re: Combination of gods Amun and Re.

Andjety: God of the underworld. Responsible for the rebirth of souls in the afterlife.

Anhur: Warrior and hunter God.

Anti: Guardian deity and God of ferrymen.

Anubis: God of embalming and tombs. Protector of the dead.

Apep: God of chaos, darkness and evil.

Apis: Bull God and sacred bull of Memphis.

Arensnuphis: Benign God of Egyptian Nubia and a companion of Isis.

Aten: God of the sun and a name of the visible solar disc.

Atum: Primordial Sun God and creator of the world.

Ba: Ram God and a God of fertility.

Babi: Demonic God said to live on human entrails.

Banebdjetet: Ram God of lower Egypt.

Bes: Lord of the land of Punt. Grotesque dwarf God.

Chenti-cheti: Falcon or crocodile God.

Chenti-irti: Falcon God of law and order.

Cherti: Ferryman of the dead and protector of the pharaoh's tomb.

Chnum: Ram God who makes the Nile delta fertile and suitable for agriculture.

Chons: God of the moon and the master of time.

Chontamenti: God of the dead and the land of the west.

Dedun: God of wealth and incense.

Dua: God of toiletry.

Duamutef: Guardian of the east and a funerary God.

Ennead: Council of the Gods, specifically those of the Osiris pantheon.

Hah: god of the sky.

Hapi: God of funerary and son of Horus. Personification of the Nile River.

Har-nedj-itef: Form of the God Horus. Protector of the dead.

Har-pa-khered: Horus as a child.

Heh: One of the Gods who represented infinity.

Hemen: Falcon God.

Hez-ur: Baboon God.

Hike: god of supernatural powers.

Horus: This god was identified with Apollo. His eyes were the sun and moon.

Ihu: God of the sistrum, a sacred rattle.

Ihy: Son of Hathor. God of music and dancing.

Imiut: Protective deity of the underworld.

Imset: One of the four protective deities of embalming. Protected the liver of the deceased.

Imhotep: God of study and knowledge, medicine, magick, compassion, and herbs.

Inmutef: Deity who bears the heavens.

Joh: God of the moon.

Kauket: Primordial who rules the darkness of primal chaos.

Kebechsenef: One of the four Gods of embalming. Protector of the lower viscera of the deceased.

Kemwer: Black Bull God.

Khem: God of fertility, agriculture and human reproduction. Pictured as a mummy.

Khentamenti: Ancient jackal-headed God of the dead.

Khentimentiu: God who rules the desiny of the dead.

Khensu: God of the New Moon and son of Amen-Ra and Mut.

Khepera: The scarab beetle. God of transformations.

Khnemu: The Divine Potter.

Kuk: God of the darkness of primal chaos.

Maahes: God of punishment for transgressions.

Mahes: God of the summer heat and called Lord of the Massacre.

Mendes: Nature God.

Menthu: Sun God. God of Protection, War, and Vengeance.

Min: God of Sex, Fertility, crops, harvest, roads, and journeys.

Mnewer: Sacred Black Bull of the sun.

Nefertem: God of the lotus and the rising sun.

Nehebkau: Serpent God who guards the entrance of the Underworld and accompanies the Sun God Re on his nightly journey through it.

Neper: God of grain, particularly barley and wheat.

Nun: God and primeval water that circles the entire world.

Osiris: Lord of Life after Death. Sun god.

Petbe: god of retaliation and revenge.

Ptah: God of Arts and Crafts, regeneration, science, Miracles, and gentleness.

Re: God of Agriculture, magick, prosperity, rituals, destiny, and truth. Sun God; Father of the Gods.

Resheph: Warrior God.

Sai: Deity of destiny.

Seb: God of the Earth. God of fertility, new beginnings, creation, crops.

Sebek: Crocodile God. God of Endings. Lord of Death and Darkness.

Seker: Funerary God.

Septu: God of war.

Sesmu: God of oil and wine pressing.

Set: God of hunger, thirst, storms, suffering, revenge, death, evil, destruction, chaos. God of unclean, the terrible desert, the murderer, cruelty, evil, war, and the Underworld.

Shu: God of Air. Father of Nut.

Sons of Horus: Sons of the God Horus who assist the dead in their journey to the underworld. Their heads are on the canopic jars and the four corners of the sarcophagus. They are Imset, Hapi, Duamutef, and Kebechsenef.

Tatenen: Vegetation God and the mound of earth whch rose from the primordial waters.

Taurt: god of good fortune and childbirth.

Thoth: God of magick, writing, inventions, the arts, learning, prophecy, healing, initiation, success, wisdom, peace, truth, the Akashic records. Judge and scribe of the Gods.

Uneg: Plant God.

Wepwawet: God of protection, defense, journeys.