Achelois: Moon Goddess, known as she who drives away pain.

Adamanthea: The nymph who nursed the baby Zeus and hid him from his father, Cronus.

Adrasteia: Goddess of divine retribution.

Aegea: Goddess of, and daughter of, the Sun.

Aetna: Goddess of Mt. Etna, a volcano in Sicily.

Aglaea: Youngest of the 3 Graces.

Agrotora: Patron Goddess of hunters.

Aleyone: Minor Goddess, changed into a halycon (bird) after losing her husband.

Alecto: One of the Furies, the avengers of murder. Her name means "unceasing anger".

Alectrona: Daughter of the Sun.

Amphitrite: Queen of the Sea and wife of Poseidon.

Ananke: Mother of the Fates and the Goddess of absolute necessity or destiny.

Aphrodite: Goddess of love, beauty, and sexual pleasure.

Artemis: Goddess of the wild and hunting, as well as chastity and the moon. Her twin brother is Apollo.

Astraea: Goddess of Justice.

Athena: Goddess of wisdom, reason, and protective force.

Calliope: The "Fair Voiced", she is the Muse of Epic Poetry.

Chloris: The Goddess of flowers and the Spring.

Clio: The "Proclaimer" and the Muse of History and Chronicles.

Demeter: Goddess of agriculture, grain and fertility.

Eirene: Goddess of Peace.

Enyo: Goddess of war and violence.

Erato: The "Lovely" Muse of Love Poetry and Mimicry.

Eris: Goddess of discord.

Euterpe: The "Giver of Pleasure" and the Muse of Music.

Fates: The triple Goddesses of Fate and Destiny, they have the task of determining the lifespan and events of mortals. (And possibly the Gods).

Furies: The carriers of divine justice, the Furies punish crime until the guilty is dead, often driving their victims to suicide.

Gaea: Earth Goddess and mother of the Titans. She mated with Uranus to produce the Titans.

Graces: Goddesses of gracefulness and charm, they are beautiful and elegant. They are the attendants of Aphrodite. They are Aglaea(Splendor), Euphrosyne(Mirth) and Thalia(Good Cheer).

Hebe: Goddess of youth and a cupbearer to the Gods.

Hecate: The Goddess of hidden wisdom and the Crossroads, sometimes seen as the Goddess of Witchcraft.

Hemera: Goddess of the day.

Hera: Wife of Zeus and the Queen of the Gods.

Hestia: Goddess of the hearth and home.

Hygieia: Goddess of health, closely identified with the worship of Asclepius.

Leto: A Goddess identified with the moon and the Goddess Selene, she is the mother of the divine twins, Artemis and Apollo.

Melpomene: The "Songstress" and the Muse of Tragedy.

Metis: Goddess of wisdom and knowledge and a Titan. She was the mother of Athena.

Mnemosyne: Goddess of memory and one of the Titans. She was the mother of the Muses.

Muses: Goddesses of the arts and sciences, the Muses provided divine inspiration to mortals who engaged in their pursuits. All nine muses had a particular area of expertise, and they served as the inspiration and protector of that particular area. The Muses are Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania.

Nemesis: Goddess of vengeance and divine justice, she pursues mortals who defy the natural order of things with a vengeance.

Nike: Goddess of victory, seen as a winged woman in flowing robes.

Persephone: Goddess of the Underworld and daughter of Demeter.

Pheme: Goddess of fame and messages.

Phoebe: Goddess of the Moon and a Titan. She was the mother of the Goddess Leto.

Polyhymnia: "She of Many Hymns", the Muse of Sacred Music and Geometry.

Rhea: Goddess of fertility and the mother of the first Olympians.

Selene: The original Goddess of the Moon.

Terpsichore: The "Whirler" and the Muse of Dancing.

Tethys: A Titan and wife of Oceanus. Mother of the rivers and the 3000 Ocean Nymphs.

Thalia: The "Flourishing" and Muse of Comedy and lighthearted Music and Poetry.

Themis: Goddess of justice and order, and a Titan. She is the mother of the Seasons.

Tyche: Goddess of fortune, chance and prosperity.

Urania: The "Heavenly" and Muse of Astronomy.


Achelous: God of Rivers.

Adonis: Greek youth who was loved by Aphrodite and killed by a wild boar.

Aeolus: Custodian of the winds. When directed by the Gods, he loosed the captured winds as breezes, gales, or other forces decreed by the Gods.

Aether: God of the pure air which the Gods breathe, as opposed to the Aer breathed by Mortals.

Aethon: God of famine in early Greece.

Alpheus: River God of the river Alpheus.

Anteros: The God of mutual Love. Said to punish those who did not return the love of others.

Apollo: God of light, poetry, truth, the arts and music.

Ares: God of war and bloodshed.

Asclepius: A God of healing, who perfected the art learned from Chiron. Son of Apollo, his symbol is the snake.

Atlas: Titan who led the battle against Zeus. For his part in the rebellion he was sentenced to carrying the World upon his back.

Boreas: God of the northern wind.

Chaos: The great void or emptiness from which all things emerged.

Coeus: God of intelligence and a Titan. He was the father of the Goddess Leto.

Comus: God of banquets.

Cronus: Ruler of the Titans and God of the sky and time. He was removed from power by his son, Zeus.

Dionysus: God of wine, agriculture and plays. He was the youngest of all Olympians. His father was Zeus by the mortal woman Semele.

Epimethus: Brother of Promethus, his name means "afterthought".

Erebus: God of primordial darkness.

Eros: God of love and romance and the son of Aphrodite.

Eurus: God of the east wind.

Hades: God of the dead and the Underworld, and brother of Zeus.

Helios: God of the sun and brother of Selene and Eos.

Hephaestus: God of fire and the forge, he is the patron of smiths and weavers.

Heracles: A mortal hero later gifted with immortality.

Hesperos: God of the evening star.

Hyperion: Titan of light, possibly an early solar deity. Married Theira, and produced Helios, Selene, and Eos.

Hypnos: God of sleep and twin brother of Thanatos.

Notus: God of the south wind.

Oceanus: God of the waters, and ruler of the unending stream of water encircling the world. Together with his wife Tethys, he fathered the rivers and the 3000 Ocean Nymphs.

Pan: God of herds and flocks, he was pictured as a man with the horns, legs and midriff of a goat. He is also the God of carnality, sexuality, and desire.

Phospheros: God of the morning star.

Poseidon: God of the sea and brother of Zeus. Zeus, Hades and Poseidon drew lots to see where their sphere of influence in the world would be. Poseidon drew the lot of water. He married Amphitirite, Goddess of the sea.

Prometheus: The wisest of the Titans, his name means "forethought".

Thanatos: God of death.

Uranus: The sky God and original ruler of creation. He is both the son and mate of Gaea, and together they produced the Titans. His son was Cronus.

Zephyrus: God of the west wind.

Zeus: God of the sky and thunder, and the supreme ruler of the Olympians. He fought with the Titans and his father, Cronus, to take control of the world. He is famous for his infidelities to his wife, Hera, but is also known to punish liars and oathbreakers.