Achtan: She was the mother of the king, Cormac.

Aife: She was one of the three daughters of Midhir. The sisters were Doirenn and Aillbhe. She was given as wife to one of the three sons of Lugaidh Menn.

Ailbhe: One of the three daughters of Oilell and a foster-child of Bodb Dearg.

Aillbhe: One of the three daughters of Midhir along with Aife and Doirenn.

Aille: The daughter of Cormac.

Aine: Said to be either the daughter of Mannanan or the Morrigu, she owned the Cathair Aine (a stone belonging that would cause madness in someone who sat on it). She was called Leanan Sidhe, the Sweetheart of the Sidhe. Wisps of straw are burned in her honor on St. John's Eve. She is associated with meadow-sweet, and invoked against illness.

Ainge: She was a daughter of the Dagda.

Airmed: Goddess of Witchraft and herb lore. She was of the Tuatha de Danaan and the sister of Miach. Diancecht was her father.

Anu: She is one of the ancestor Goddesses of Eire. By some she is claimed to be Aine, and others claim Danu.

Aobh: She is the eldest of the three daughters of Oilell, she is the foster-daughter of Bodb Dearg and the wife of Lir. By him she became the mother of Fionnuala, Aodh, Fiachra, and Conn.

Aoibhell: She is a woman of the Sidhe who dwelt at Craig Liath. Her harp fortells death for any who hear it.

Aoife: One of the three daughters of Oilell and a foster-child of Bodb Dearg. She became the wife of Lir after her sister Aobh had died in childbirth with her last two children. Through jealousy, she changed Aobh's four children into swans at Loch Dairbhreach.

Badb: This Goddess is part of the three War Goddesses known collectively as the Morrigan. The other two being Macha and Morrigu. She was pictured in the form of a Raven with a bloody mouth and was one of the greatest women of the Tuatha De Danaan.

Banbha: Goddess of the Earth. She was a triad Goddess that included Eriu, and Fodla.

Bebhionn: Goddess of the Underworld and patron of pleasure.

Goddess of the weather. She would change herself from an ugly old hag into a beautiful young woman whenever a handsome young man was kind to her, and would honor him with her favors. She is the White Lady and the wife of Manannan mac Llyr. If you look at water sparkling in the sunlight, you will see her reflection.

Boann: Goddess of rivers and fertility. Her river is the River Boann.


Abhean: He is the Harper of the Tuatha De Danaan.

Aedh: He is one of the three sons of Bodb Dearg along with Artrach and Angus.

Aengus: God of Beauty and the son of the Daghda.

Ailell Anglonach: He fell in love with Etain; his brother Eochaid Feidlech's wife and pined for her until she agreed to heal him.

Airnelach: He was the brother of Tadg and Eoghan.

Amergin: One of the sons of Miled. He was sent as messenger of his people to the Tuatha De Danaan and quieted the storm sent against his people by them. He was the first to set foot in Ireland after that. Heber gave him a share of the two provinces of Munster after the Battle of Tailltin.

Angus: One of the three sons of Bodb Dearg along with Artrach and Aedh.

Angus Og: A son of the Dagda. He advised his father on how to kill Cridenbel and what reward to ask of Bres. He is the Irish Love God.

Aodh: He is one of the four children of Lir and Aobh and the Lord of Fire. He was turned into a swan by Aoife, Lir's jealous second wife.

Aodh Aithfhiosach: He is a son of Bodb Dearg and was sent in search of the children of Lir when they disappeared.

Arias: Known as the fair-haired poet. One of the four wise men and teachers of the Tuatha de Danaan before they came to Ireland. His home was Finias.

Arranan: One of the sons of Miled. He died by falling from the mast to the deck of his ship as the Sons of the Gael attempted their second landing in Ireland.

Artrach: Along with Angus and Aedh he is one of the three sons of Bodb Dearg.

Balor: God of death and regeneration. He is chief king of the Fomor, and husband to Ceithlenn. He is the father of Ethlinn. He was also the father of twelve 'white-mouthed' sons. These were all among the chief men of the Fomor.

Bodb the Red: King of the Tuatha De Danaan and son of the Dagda.

Bres: One of the first kings of the Tuatha. God of fertility and agriculture.