Ama no Uzume: The witty Goddess of persuasion, who performed a lewd dance to entice Amaterasu out of the cave in which she was hiding.

Ama-terasu: The Sun Goddess. Queen of the Universe. Amaterasu Omikami, is considered the founder of the Japanese nation.

Benten (Benzai-Ten): This is one of the Japanese Gods of Good Fortune known as the "Seven Lucky Gods". This is the only female deity among the seven. Goddess of language, wisdom, literature, love, music and the sea.

Chup-Kamui: Sun Goddess of the Ainu peoples. Originally she was the Moon Goddess, but after one night overhead watching all the adulterous behavings below, she begged the Sun God to trade places with her, and he did.

Fuji: Goddess of Volcanic Fire and the famous mountain that now bears her name.

Hettsui-No-Kami: Goddess who protected and provided for the family through the provisioning of harvested food.

Kaya-Nu-Hima: Goddess of Herbs.

Kishijoten: A Goddess of Good Luck.

Kishi-Mojin: Goddess of Motherhood.

Marici: The Goddess of Dawn.

No-ll Ja-Dae: Goddess of the Toilet.

Uka no Mitanna: A Rice Goddess, usually pictured with foxes which are her divine messengers.

Uke-mochi: Goddess of Food.

Uso-dori: Goddess of Singing.

Uzume: Goddess of Laughter.

Wakahirume: The favorite weaving maiden of the Japanese Sun Goddess Amaterasu. She died when the evil Susanoo threw a flayed piebald colt through the roof of the "Heavenly Weaving Hall". Terrified, Wakahirume fell onto her shuttle, which fatally punctured her vagina. This so enraged Amaterasu that she closeted herself into the Sky-Rock-Cave, and only the creation of the world's first mirror could lure her back out. (In some of the tellings of this, Wakahirume is the younger sister of Amaterasu).

Yainato-Hnneno-Mikoi: This early Japanese Princess became possessed by the Goddess Amaterasu, ancestral mother of her clan, and under the Goddess' influence founded a temple used as Amaterasu's sanctuary.

Yama-No-Kami: Goddess of the Hunt, the Forest, agriculture, and vegetation.

Yama-no-Karni: This Goddess was a spirit of the Sacred Mountains, and brought good luck to hunters and woodsmen who attended to her rites. She could be quite stern with those who did not. One-legged and one-eyed, she was invoked as a protector for women, for she has a secret box of souls from which she endows each new being. As a seasonal Goddess, she annually gives birth to twelve children, the year's twelve months. In singular form, she is Yama-no-Shinbo, the Mountain Mother.

Yaya-Zakurai: This Cherry-Tree Goddess was a beautiful young woman each spring. She remained celibate while her beauty lasted, only taking lovers when her petals had fallen.

Yuki-Onne: To those lost in blizzards, struggling futilely against the cold, she came. She soothed, sang to them to lull them to sleep, and then breathed a deathly cold breath on them. The "Snow Maiden" was the spirit of death by freezing. She was a calm, pale woman who appeared to the dying, making their death quiet and painless.


Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone: A God of Thunder.

Amatsu Mikaboshi: A God of Evil.

Bishamon: He was one of the Seven Gods of Luck. He is the Buddhist patron of Warriors.

Chimata-No-Kami: God of the Crossroads.

Daikoku: God of Wealth and Happiness. He has a magick mallet with which he creates gold.

Ebisu: God of Fishermen.

Emma-O: He is the Lord of Hell. He is depicted as wearing a judge's cap and holding a mace. He judges the souls of men and his sister judges the souls of women.

Fudo: God of Wisdom.

Fukurokuju: The Star God. Another of the Seven Gods of Luck. He represents wisdom. He is depicted as having a head nearly equal to the length of his body.

Gekka-O: God of Marriage.

Hachiman: A God of War.

Ho-Masubi: A God of Fire.

Hotei: Another of the Seven Gods of Luck. He is pictured as a cheerful monk with a large protruding belly. Hotei is sometimes referred to as the "Laughing Buddha" and it is said that if you rub his belly, you will encounter good fortune.

Inari: God of Rice.

Izanagi and Izanami: The God and Goddess that created Japan.

Jurojin: God of Longevity.

Kagutsuchi: A God of Fire.

Kamado-No-Kami: God of Kitchen stoves.

Kami: A God in Shintoism, which is the native religion of Japan.

Kawa-No-Kami: A God of Rivers.

Kunitokotatchi: The Chief Deity.

Monju-Bosatsu: God of Education.

Nai-No-Kami: God of Earthquakes.

O-Kuni-Nushi: God of Medicine and sorcery.

Omoigane: God of Wisdom.

Raiden: God of Thunder.

Shine-Tsu-Hiko: God of the Wind.

Shoten: God of Commerce and Wisdom.

Susa-no-wo: The Storm God. Brother of Ama-terasu.

Tajika-no-mikoto: God of Physical Strength.

Tsuki-yomi: God of the Moon.

Yakushi Nyorai: The Buddha of Healing.