Akhushtal: Goddess of childbirth.

Alaghom Naom: The Mother of the Mayan people.

Chibirias: Goddess of the Earth.

Colel Cab: Earth Goddess.

Ex Chebel Yax (Ixchel): Earth and Moon Goddess. She is the patron of weaving and pregnant women.

Ixtab: Goddess of the noose and the gallows.

Ixzaluoh: Goddess of the water. Credited with creating weaving.


Ac Yanto: God of White Men.

Acan: God of wine.

Acat: God of tattoos.

Ah Bolom Tzacab: God of thunder and rain.

Ah Cancum: God of hunters.

Ah Chun Caan: God of the city of Merida.

Ah Chuy Kak: God of War.

Ah Ciliz: God of Solar Eclipses.

Ah Cun Can: God of war known as the Serpent Charmer.

Ah Cuxtal: God of birth.

Ah Hulneb: God of War.

Ah Kin: God of the Sun. He controlled drought and disease.

Ah Kumix Uinicob: Attendant Water Gods.

Ah Mun: God of maize.

Ah Muzencab: God of Bees.

Ah Peku: God of thunder.

Ah Tabai: God of hunting.

Ah Uincir Dz'acab: God of healing.

Ah Uuc Ticab: God of the Underworld.

Ahau-Kin: God of the Sun.

Ahmakiq: God of agriculture.

Ahulane: The War God known as the Archer.

Ajbit: One of the 13 deities who created human beings.

Alom: God of the sky and one of the 7 World Creator Deities.

Bacabs: Giants who hold up the sky at the 4 cardinal points.

Backlum Chaam: God of male sexuality.

Balam: These Gods were the protectors of individuals as they went about their daily lives. This is the Mayan word for Jaguar.

Bitol: One of the 7 Mayans World Creator Deities.

Bolontiku: Underworld Deities.

Buluc Chabtan: God of War.

Cabaguil: One of the 7 Deities who created the World.

Cakulha: Deity of less intense lightning bolts.

Camaxtli: God of Fate.

Camazotz: Bat-God.

Caprakan: God of mountains and earthquakes.

Cauac: One of the 4 Bacabs, he is South and the color red.

Chac: God of agriculture and rain.

Chac Uayab Xoe: God of Fish.

Chamer: God of Death.

Chaob: God of the wind.

Chiccan: Gods of the Rains.

Cit Bolon Tum: God of medicine.

Cizin: God of death.

Colop U Uichkin: Sky God.

Coyopa: God of thunder.

Cum Hau: God of Death.

Ekchuah: God of war.

Ghanan: God of agriculture.

Gucumatz: Serpent God.

Hacha'kyum: The Lacandon Maya God of real people.

Hun Hunahpu: God of fertility.

Hunab Ku: Supreme God and Creator of the World.

Hurakan: Ancient God of wind and storms.

Itzamna: Founder of the Mayan culture and God of the Empire.

Itzananohk'u: God of Lacandon.

Ix: One of the 4 Bacabs. He is the West and the color Black.

Kan: One of the 4 Bacabs. He is the color Yellow and East.

Kan-u-Uayeyab: Guardians of the cities.

Kan-xib-yui: God who remade the Earth after the Bacabs destroyed it.

Kianto: God of foreigners and diseases.

K'in: Sun God.

Kinich Ahau: God of the Sun. He was pictured as a firebird.

Kukulcan: The Supreme God. He was master of the 4 elements.

Mulac: One of the 4 Bacabs. He is North and the color White.

Naum: God of the mind and thought.

Nohochacyum: God of creation.

Tlacolotl: God of evil.

Tohil: God of Fire.

Tzakol: God of the Sky.

Votan: God of the drum.

Xaman Ek: God of the North Star.

Yaluk: The most powerful Lightning Gods.

Yum Caax: God of Maize.

Zotz: Bat-God of Caves.