Ahurani: Goddess of Rain and Water.

Anahita: Goddess of Rivers and Water. She was both the protective mother and warrior defender of her people.

Daena: The Goddess who meets the souls of the dead (on the fourth day after death) and leads them to heaven or hell. She has a dog who sniffs at the soul and tells her if it is good or bad.

Firanak: She was the mother of the hero Feridun, whom she saved from a threatened massacre by hiding him in a garden where a miraculous cow named Prumajeh suckled him.

Fravashi: Her name means "She-who-is-many". She is made up of the souls of all living creatures, including those Not-Yet-Born.


Ahriman: The son of Zurvan; also known as Angra Mainyu.

Ahura Mazda: The Supreme God, and another son of Zurvan.

Jamshid: An early legendary king of Persia who reigned for 700 years, and had demons (Devs) as his slaves.

Rapithwin: God of the Noon-day Heat.

Yima: God of Light. He is responsible for the fact that the earth is three times larger than originally intended. Mortal humans and mortal animals have overpopulated the planet three times and each time Yima has enlarged it for them.

Zarathustra: A Priest-Magician who spoke with the Gods, fought against the demons and performed miracles.

Zurvan: Father of Ahriman and Ahuramazda. The God of Infinite Time.

Non-Gender Specific Deities

Daevas: Zoroastrianism religion referred to demons as daevas, hence the word devil.

The Houri: The nymphs who accompany the faithful in paradise.

Zam: A Persian Earth Spirit.