Aurora: Goddess of the Dawn.

Ceres: Goddess of Grain.

Diana: Sometimes regarded as a Moon-Goddess, she was depicted as a huntress, and was Goddess of Hunting and the Woodlands.

Discordia: Goddess of discord.

Flora: One of the original Roman Goddesses. She was Goddess of Flowers, Fruits, and Springtime.

Fortuna: Goddess of Good Fortune.

Juno: Wife of Jupiter and Goddess of Motherhood and Childbearing.

Latona: A Titaness, mother of Apollo and Diana by Jupiter.

Lucina: Goddess of childbirth.

Minerva: Warrior Goddess who also presided over commerce.

Ops: Mother Goddess. Wife of Saturn.

Proserpina: Goddess of spring. She is the wife of Pluto and the daughter of Ceres.

Terra: Mother of all things. Her mate is Uranus.

Trivia: The Goddess of Ghosts and Witchcraft.

Venus: Deity of Love, and particularly sexual love.

Vesta: Goddess of the Hearth and Sacrificial Fire.

Victoria: Goddess of Victory.


Aesculapius: God of Medicine.

Apollo: God of Truth and Light.

Bacchus: God of Wine and Drunkenness.

Coelus (Heaven): God of the Sky, and father of the titans.

Cupid: Son of Venus. He is God of Erotic Attraction.

Dis (Pluto): Ruled the underworld.

Faunus: God of Herds, Flocks, the Rustic, and pastoral.

Hercules: The greatest of the Roman Heroes.

Janus: One of the original Roman Gods, usually pictured as having two faces. He was also God of Doorways, Gates, Departures and Returns.

Jupiter: Ruler of the Gods and Defender of the State.

Juventus: Cupbearer to the Gods.

Mars: Son of Juno. Highly respected God of War, and was also an agricultural deity.

Mercury: God of Commerce and Messages.

Neptune: Lord of the Sea.

Saturn: Father of Jupiter. The Saturnalia; a time of gift-giving and license, was held in his honor.

Somnus: God of Sleep.

Sylvanus: One of the original Roman Gods. He was a rustic God of the Forest.

Ulysses: The most cunning of the super-heroes.

Vulcan: God of Fire and Warmth, the Forge, and Volcanic Eruptions.

Non-Gender Specific Deities

Fates (Parcae): Controllers of individual human destinies.

Furies: Avengers, punishing violations of the natural order.

Lares: God/desses of the Family. Lar was a protective ancestral spirit.

Lemurs: Evil spirits of the dead.

Manes: Benevolent spirits of the dead (good souls).

Numina: The collective name of the earliest Roman God/desses. Vague, protective powers of nature, they presided over daily human activities. While some of them were important enough to have rites dedicated to them, others are merely names, with little function even in Roman times.

Penates: God/desses of the family. They were Guardians of the Hearth and Storerooms.