Aer: Goddess of war and revenge; Goddess of the River Dee.

Arianrhod: Full Moon Goddess. Her palace was called Caer Arianrhod (Aurora Borealis). She is the keeper of the Silver Wheel of Stars. She was consort to Nwyvre (sky or firmament) and mother of Llew Llaw Gyffes and Dylan by her brother Gwydion. She is honored at the Full Moon for beauty, fertility, and reincarnation.

Blodeuwedd: Goddess of the Earth in bloom. Her symbol is the Owl. Flowers, wisdom, lunar mysteries, and initiations. She was created as a wife for Lleu by Math and Gwydion.

Branwen: Goddess of Love and Beauty. She is believed to be the original Lady of the Lake. Sister of Bran and wife of the Irish King Matholwch. Her father was Llyr.

Brigid: Goddess of fire, fertility, agriculture, feminine arts and crafts, martial arts, healing, inspiration, learning, poetry, prophecy, love, witchcraft, the hearth, and smithcraft. She is associated with Imbolc. She had a female priesthood at Kildare where her 19 priestesses kept an ever-burning fire.

Cerridwen: Goddess of the Underworld and the Sacred Cauldron of Inspiration. Moon Goddess. Great Mother. Wife of the giant Tegid and mother of a beautiful girl; Creirwy, and an ugly boy; Afagddu. To make up to Afagddu for not having beauty she brewed a potion known as Greal that had to brew for a year and a day. This was made from six plants for inspiration and knowledge. She had Taliesin to stir her brew and when there were only 3 drops left, they splashed from the cauldron onto his hand. He licked this off and gained what was intended for Afagddu. Welsh Bards called themselves Cerddorion (sons of Cerridwen).

Creiddylad: Goddess of Flowers and Love. Daughter of the Sea God Llyr. She is sometimes called the May Queen and is connected with Beltane.

Creirwy: The daughter of Cerridwen and Tegid.

Don: Goddess of the Sea and Air. Queen of the Heavens. Control of the Elements.

Iweridd: One of Llyr's wives.

Morrigu: Goddess of rivers, lakes, and fresh water. Supreme War Goddess. Reigned over the battlefield, and helped with her magick. She did not actively join in the battles. Crone aspect of the Goddess. Queen of the Faeries. The carrion crow is her favorite disguise. Patroness of priestesses and witches. Revenge, night, magick, prophecy, wisdom, war, and peace.

Penardun: Daughter of the Goddess Don. She was one of the wives of Llyr.

Rhiannon: Goddess of Horses and Birds. Enchantments, fertility, and the Underworld. She is seen riding a swift white horse.


Amaethon: God of Agriculture. Son of Don

Arawn: Ruler of Annwn, the Underworld. Contact with ancestors, terror, death, war, and revenge.

Bran The Blessed: God of Prophecy, the arts, leaders, the Sun, music, writing, and war. Brother of Manawydan Ap Llyr and Branwen. Son of Llyr.

Cernunnos: God of Nature. God of the Underworld and the Astral Plane. The Horned God of fertility. He is portrayed sitting cross-legged with antlers or horns on his head, long curling hair, a beard, naked except for a neck torque, and sometimes holding a spear and shield. Virility, fertility, animals, physical love, Nature, woodlands, reincarnation, crossroads, wealth, commerce, and warriors.

Dylan: God of the Sea. Son of Gwydion and Arianrhod. His symbol is a silver fish.

Gofannon: God of blacksmiths, weapon-makers, jewelry making, brewing, fire, and metalworking. He forged all the Tuatha Da Danaan's weapons. These weapons always hit their mark and every wound inflicted by them was fatal. His ale gave the Tuatha invulnerability.

Gwydion: Druid of the mainland gods. Son of Don and brother to Gofannon, Arianrhod, and Amaethon. a shape-shifter. His symbol is a white horse.

Gwyn Ap Nudd: King of the Underworld Faeries.

Gwythyr: King of the Faeries of the Upperworld.

Kai: God of Fire and Smithing.

Llud of the Silver Hand: God of healing.

Llyr: God of the Sea. Father of Manawydden, Bran the Blessed, and Branwen.

Lleu Llaw Gyffes: Known as the Shining One. He was a Sun God and also God of War. Connected with the festival of Lughnassadh. His symbol is a white stag.

Manawydden: Son of the Sea God Llyr. He was God of the Sea. Shape-shifting, storms, weather at Sea, fertility, sailing, magick, arts, merchants, and rebirth.

Math Mathonwy: God of sorcery, magick, and enchantment.

Owein ap Urien: God of Wisdom.

Pwyll: Ruler of the Underworld.