For Protection:

Take a white candle and carve upon it the name of the person you want protected. Annoint the candle with a protective oil. (I prefer to use basil for this). Then go to a stream where there is a stone or some land mass that would leave you with water on all sides. Holding the candle concentrate on the person whom you want to see protected. See this person being surrounded by pure blinding white light. Hold this picture in your mind for a couple of minutes. Then light the candle and melt a little wax on the rock you are standing on and plant the candle. (Or if you are on soft earth, place it in the ground). Say: Candle of power, candle of might, create my desires here on this night. Power, stream from this candle’s fire. Bring to me my heart’s desire. My words have strength, the victory’s won. So say I. This spell is done. Leave and let the candle burn until it goes out on its own.


Take a sea shell. (Shells are naturally protective in and of themselves). Paint on the inside in gold paint: Daeg, Thurisaz, Beorc, Eihwaz, Eohl, Ehwaz, and Ing. Make sure the runes are painted in this order. Consecrate this talisman in a circle with Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Give this to whomever you wish the protection to be for. As long as this shell remains intact, it will protect.