Chaplain Aide
The Chaplain Aide assists the Troop Chaplain (usually an adult from the Troop Committee or the Chartered Organization) in serving the religious needs of the Troop. He ensures that religious holidays are considered during the Troop’s program planning process and promotes the BSA’s religious emblems program.

Reports To: Assistant Senior Patrol Leader

Leadership Responsibilities

     1.  Keep troop leaders apprised of religious holidays when planning activities.

     2.  Assist the troop chaplain or religious coordinator in meeting the religious needs of troop members while on activities.

     3.  Encourage saying grace at meals while camping or on activities.

     4.  Lead worship services on campouts.

     5.  Tell troop members about the religious emblems program for their faith.

     6.  Set a good example.

     7.  Wear the Scout uniform correctly.

     8.  Live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

     9.  Show and help develop Scout spirit.



     1.  Worship service held at all troop campouts.

     2.  Establish group of written prayers for each patrol box.

     3.  Scout Sunday was organized and attended by troop.