Reports To:
The Senior Patrol Leader.
1. Plan and lead patrol meetings and activities. 2. Keep patrol members informed. 3. Assign each patrol member a specific duty. 4. Represent your patrol at all Patrol Leaders’ Council meetings and the annual program planning conference. 5. Prepare the patrol to participate in all troop activities. 6. Work with other troop leaders to make the troop run well. 7. Know the abilities of each patrol member. 8. Train the Assistant Patrol Leader to be a Patrol Leader. 9. Set a good example and wear the Scout uniform correctly. 10. Live by the Scout Oath and Law. 11. Show and develop patrol spirit.
1. 100% of all PLC meetings attended by PL or APL. 2. Troop meeting attendance and advancement records kept for all patrol members. 3. Recruit a new member to join the patrol. 4. All duty roster tasks assigned by the SPL completed.