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Elizabeth City NC, early 40s

Some time before Doc and Alma returned to live at Wilkinson Station, but after they lived in Norfolk for a short time, they lived in Elizabeth City NC.  They befriended the Pierce family, and these are pictures Alma took of them while they lived there.

Alma, Nellie and Dad in Elizabeth City.
Alma, Nellie and Dad in Elizabeth City
Lillie Pierce.
Lilly Piecre
Bradley Pierce and Dad.
Bradley Pierce and Dad Marie Pierce.
Marie Pierce portrait
Phyllis Pierce.
Phyllis Pierce
Another of Marie Pierce.
Another of Marie Pierce
Dad in the garden, Elizabeth City.
Dad in the Garden, Elizabeth City
Another of Dad in the garden, Elizabeth City.
Dad in the garden, Elizabeth City

Teeny Ange and Dad in Elizabeth City, identified by Lloyd Fentress.
Teeny and Dad in Elizabeth City


The following  pictures appear to have been taken the same day as the pictures with the buick that were shown on page 2 of the 40s.

Alma and Thurman Evans on a bridge.  Where?
Alma and Thurman on bridge
Another of Alma and Thurman, same bridge.
Another of Alma and Thurman on bridge
Alma on the bridge.
Alma on bridge
Doc and Thurman on the bridge.
Doc and Thurman on bridge

These are from another outing...I don't know if they were all taken on the same day.

Alma and Doc in a boat.
Alma and Doc in Boat
Alma and unknown gentleman in boat (it may be Thurman).
Alma and unknown in boat
Shrimp boat and birds.
Shrimp boat with birds
Birds off of the Shrimp boat seen to the left.
Birds off of the shrimp boat

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