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A short history of the Wilkinson House
Samuel Walter Wilkinson moved to the area around the same time as my great great grandfather Moses Waters, probably in the 1890s.  He was the son of Jordan Wilkinson and the brother of John Aaron Wilkinson, who's home in Belhaven is now known as River Forest Manor.  Sam became a very prosperous farmer due to the richness of the land there.  Without getting hot'n'heavy into the whole genealogical thing, his first wife Cora Shavender died in 1905 after bearing him four children, and he remarried Pattie Archbell around 1907.  They had a one son named John Archbell Wilkinson.
Now on this land of his was an onion grader, a potato grader, and all manner of farm help.  It was one of the most mechanized farms of its day in the state.  Sam Wilkinson died in 1945; Miss Patty in 1979.
The first house on the Wilkinson land was something of a plantation-type house.  I have a so-so picture of it on my 1940s page.  I don't know when it was torn down, but it was probably in the 1960s...some of the old-timers might remember.
First Wilkinson House, 1940s
John Wilkinson became a prominent lawyer and Republican activist in the town of Washington.  He either inherited this land, or bought out whoever owned it with him.  Sometime in the '70s, I believe, he rebuilt on the site, a home that was supposed to be a replica of Andrew Jackson's home.  Unfortunately, due to what I understand were flaws in construction of the house, mildew and mold collected in and under the floorboards, rendering this grand home uninhabitable almost as soon as it was constructed.  It stood as a testiment to tragedy, unlived in, for nearly two decades.  This is how it looked in 2001:
Wilkinson House, 2001
Not long ago (Jan 2005) I drove out to Wilkinson Station to find construction going on at this house!  Amazing! Well, not really; I'd noticed construction equipment (a house trailer and the like) on the property before, but that seems like years ago.   I'm not sure who's doing all the work, or why it took them so long, but from the looks of things they're serious about it now.
Wilkinson House Construction, 2005
Wilkinson House Construction, 2005

Augustus M. Ange Reunion - 17 Oct 2004!
On Oct 17 2004, the first ever reunion was held in Belhaven NC for the descendents of Gus Ange Jr.  It was brilliantly organized by Debra Whitford Whitley and was in large part to commemorate the 77th birthday of her mother-in-law (and my aunt) Sidney Ange Whitley.  Thank you Debra for your efforts...let's do this again sometime soon!

Arnie Bell Ange and Mac McLawhorn.
Mac and Arnie
In the background, my wife Jeanette, Arnie and Mac.
In the foreground, Sidney Ange Whitley, Kay and Ken Varron.
Back to us, Debra Whitley, Bob Whitley, and Melvin Whitley.
Group at reunion
To the left:  Betty Everett Ange, Dempsey Ange, Lou Jarvis
To the right (back to front): Pat Ange Norfleet, Bobby Nobles, Mamie Tetterton Ange Nobles, and Kitty Carawan Brinson.
Group at reunion
Pat Ange Norfleet, Betty Everett Ange, Bobby Nobles, Mamie Nobles, and Bob Whitley.
Group at reunion
Arnie Bell Ange Levy, Debra Whitley and Sidney Ange Whitley.
Group at reunion
Happy Birthday Sidney!
Sidney Ange Whitley at reunion
Ken and Kay Varron and Lucy Jarvis at the memory table.
Ken and Kay Varron and Lucy Jarvis at the memory table
Bob Whitley, Debra and Mitchell Whitley, Pat Ange Norfleet and Mamie Ange Nobles.
Group at reunion
Pat, Lucy and Kitty check out the photo album.
Photo album
Kitty and Pat.
Kitty and Pat
Ken Varron, Arnie Bell Ange Levy, Kay Miles Varron, Sidney Ange Whitley, and brothers Bob and Melvin Whitley.
Group at reunion

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