%% cowardly.lp -- Chpter 5, Section 5.1.2 %% Last Modified: 1/29/14 %% Cowardly Students -- Strong and weak exceptions to defaults: %% Normally, students are afraid of math. %% Mary is not. %% Students in the math department are not. %% Those in CS may or may not be afraid. student(john). student(mary). student(bob). student(pat). dept(english). dept(cs). dept(math). in(john,english). in(mary,cs). in(bob,cs). in(pat,math). -in(S,D1) :- dept(D1), in(S,D2), D1 != D2. afraid(S,math) :- student(S), not ab(d(S)), not -afraid(S,math). -afraid(mary,math). ab(d(mary)). -afraid(S,math) :- in(S,math). ab(d(S)) :- student(S), not -in(S,math). ab(d(S)) :- student(S), not -in(S,cs).