Yes, you heard that correctly. The first drill I do for your group, provided it is a military-styled drill, is going to be fairly cheap for you. Why am I doing this?

First off, I know it’s a risk for you. When I design a show, it’s with a military-styled move set and mindset. Your group, in all likelihood (unless you live in Texas or around Parkersburg, West Virginia) has never even remotely experienced this kind of drill. It’s a style change, and it’s a big reason why the first one is cheap. I’m willing to take an absolute hosing and lose significant amounts of time and some money to prove myself to you.

This is the information I will need in order to get your drill completed in a timely manner:

  1. Will your group be marching at 6 to 5 (30 inches per step) or 8 to 5 (22.5 inches per step)?
  2. How many winds are in the group and the instrumentation of the group (i.e. how many flutes, clarinets, etc)
  3. How many percussion and the instrumentation (snares, tenors, bass, cymbals, pit)
  4. Auxiliary units, if they are in your group and how many.
  5. If you have a uniform set, I will need the file for your uniforms. While not necessary, it certainly helps!
  6. Audio copies of each song you are doing, including any repeats or elongations/reductions you are taking. Scores are fine also if you are unable to acquire a recording to your exact specifications, but I need something auditory to fully utilize my creative skills.

This is what you’ll receive:

  1. You will receive a .pdf printout of every song with detailed instructions on the maneuvers presented.
  2. You will receive an .mp4 video of each song in the “grid view,” to assist in seeing the moves as presented with audio.
  3. You will receive another .mp4 video of each song in “real view’ giving a good simulation of how it will be seen on the field with audio.
  4. You will receive each file in Pyware 6, Pyware 7, or Pyware 8.
  5. You will receive a .3da file for use with the Pyware Drill Viewer available on the iTunes App Store or on Google Play.

NOTE: If I feel the songs are not appropriate for military-styled maneuvers, I will let you know. There is no point in wasting our collective time on something I know will not work.

NOTE: Rewrite fees are not included in the reduced price. It is unfortunate, and I know things happen, but I am somewhat flexible.

So contact me and let’s get started.