About Me


I have created this web site to assist in making worship more meaningful. I believe the more familiar we are with the lectionary reading, the more we receive from the worship service.

The devotional is not intended to give answers but to raise questions. Spiritual transformation comes from questions, not answers. Answers come from religion, but questions come from spirituality. Today there is an interest in spirituality but not in religion, as seen in the lack of attendance in worship services. I also believe worship should be a vital part of one’s spirituality if it is to be a balanced Christian spirituality.

I am a United Methodist layman who has an interest in prayer, spirituality and spiritual direction. I serve as a volunteer coordinator of prayer ministry and spiritual formation in my local church, First United Methodist in San Angelo, Texas. I have a certificate of study from Perkins School of Theology and Theology of Christian Spirituality from Lebh Shomea House of Prayer at Sarita, Texas.

I thank Carol Hirschfeld for permission to use her art work.