Bernard F. Stutler Born: 1910 Father: Everet W. Stutler Mother: Elsie R. Maloney Occupation: Automobile parts salesman in weatern West Virginia. Motor Car Supply Co. |
Alma A. Parsons Born: 19-Jan-1909 Father: J. W. Parsons Mother: Libbie Jane Perry Occupation: Alma was a homemaker and a great mother to her two sons. |
Child 1:
Bernard V. Stutler Born: 1934 Spouse: Joan Louise Heckler Children: Richard Alexander Stutler, Susan Joy Stutler Occupation: Degree in Electrical Engineering from Michigan Statre University. Retired in 1996 from E.I.Dupont in Washington, WV after 32 years of service. Born October 6, 1934 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., West Virginia. |
Child 2:
David F. Stutler Born: 1941 Spouse: Jona James Children: Andy Stutler, Jill Stutler, Joy Stutler, Jay Stutler, Scott Stutler, Jonathan Stutler, David Stutler |