The following links may be useful in learning about DNA testing.

DNA List
The first step is to find out if there is one or more DNA projects for your Surname. This part is fairly easy. In my case there are several projects for the name 'Preston'. However, after that, all I have are questions. How do I find out which lines of Prestons have been identified in each individual DNA project. DNA uses the Y chomesome which is passed from one male member to the next. What happens if you go through a female. My GGGGrandfather's daughter, married an adopted brother who was originally Robert Preston from another family. Doing the conventional DNA I would go back through the adopted brother -- is there any way to go through the daughter ??? It appears the cost can vary from about $100 to almost $400 and the results may take 4 weeks or more to arrive. Then, they will tell you that you are probably related to a line of the family or there is no way you could be related.

Genetic Genealogy
Cyndi's List
DNA and Family History
Oxford Ancestors
For Prestons, contact Tom Preston


Page Originated 4/1/07
Last updated 4/1/07
Fred Preston