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NOTE: The email address for Tom Preston does not work and I have not been able to locate him.  If anyone knows his email address please let me know at 

These pages are presented by Fred Preston of Lufkin, TX. They started out as my ancestry as I knew it at the time. From comments received I soon found out that my information wasn't completely correct and required changes. I then began to get information and inquiries from Prestons all over the world either asking or telling me about their ancestry. I also collected several documents which I used to present more information. "The Family Tree" by Mary Preston Gray, was one of my original sources. While it was good it did contain some errors. This book contains information on the Smithfield Prestons, Walnut Grove Prestons, Gray of Virginia, Peyton of Peyton Hall, Lewis of Staunton, Virginia, Campbell, Cochran, Moffett and Rhea all of Virginia, Tennessee or Kentucky.

Another source of information was "The Preston Genealogy" edited by L. A. Wilson under the direction of William Bowker Preston, Published for William B. Preston, The Desert News, Salt Lake City, Utah 1900. This publication contained information on Prestons in England and Ireland. Preston of Askham Bryan Hall, Flashby Hall, Moreby, Dalby Park, Swainston, Burythorpe House, and Gormanston. It also contained information on Prestons of New England and two lines of Prestons in southwestern Virginia, the Smithfield Prestons and the Bedford Prestons but not the Walnut Grove Prestons.

Burkes Peerage and Baronetage was also used since my original information had my ancestry going through the Counts of Gormanston in Ireland. This has since been proven to be wrong. My ancestors came from northern Ireland near Londonderry as did the Prestons of Smithfield. Both groups were Scots Irish Presbyterians and were apparently related although I haven't found the connection yet.

My parents had always thought we descended from the Prestons of Preston Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland, now known as the Craigmillar Castle, but here again there is no proof. Information on this line is from a document by Denys Pringle, Principal Inspector of Ancient Monuments, Historic Scotland, Edinburgh HMSO.

I have very recently (Dec 2006) been contacted by a Professor Preston who is working with DNA to determine ancestry. This is what he had to say:

Preston DNA has begun to collate the y-chromosome patterns of several of the many distinct Preston families . Professor T A Preston already has the 10 DYS markers for the five main Preston families who were in Ireland - there are probably many more in England . Most of these will have descendants worldwide. Any descendants of the founding fathers of the lords Gormanston dynasty,who date back to 1363, or of the uncles of the 1st baronet of Norfolk , or of the Westmorland family who descend from the steward to John of Gaunt , or from the Prestons of Mulladry, Co. Armagh ca. 1700 can now find if they are connected to any [ or none] of the above by having a DNA test done by the Oxford UK specialists.  Oxford Ancestors see . Those who want to know more about DNA should visit DNA and Family History . If their DNA is similar to any of the above they can establish their genetic link by verifying with Prof Preston.

The test costs about £180 = $330+ But Oxford Ancestors may reduce this as there is now a Preston family project. I am negotiating with them. It may be about $250. depends on numbers. They send you free a kit = a brush and a tube to post it back to them. plus check ! The swab/ brush takes a few cells from the inner cheek. They multiply the cells and cut the DNA to look at the Y chromosome. They take 10 markers DYS275 etc and count the number of repetitions.

This could help narrow down your search considerably.

In addition to the pages on Prestons I have pages on collateral branches of my family, and some pages totally unrelated such as a Midi Music page, Fun Stuff, and links to some other pages I created such as the Lufkin Tennis Association, Lufkin Kiwanis and the Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. 

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Original 4/4/2006
Last updated 02/09/2013
Page by F. L. Preston