
My wife's maiden name, very recent link to Preston Genealogy, relatively speaking.

Brad Aumick contacted me with some information and directed me to Trevor Kirkpatrick. Apparently Trevor has been researching the Aumack line for the last 15 years or so.

The data supplied, mostly by Trevor, is shown in the pages listed at the bottom of this page. It can be very confusing because the name has many variations. Apparently starting with Amak but could be Amack, Amach, Aumick, Aumock or Aumack. The progenitor was apparently of Dutch parents but was born in Denmark and joined the Dutch navy. He was a marine with the Dutch navy when they came to Long Island, N.Y. to retake New Amsterdam from the British. They did this and Theunis Janse Van Amak/Amak remained in this country and eventually settled in New Jersey. Some of the included data is not "set in stone" so take it as the best available at this time. Trevor is researching all lines of the Aumack family, not just his line, and considers himself as the family historian. I am sure he would appreciate hearing from anyone with more information on the Aumacks or related spelling.

My wife's connection is through her Grandfather, Frank Burr Aumack as follows:
Frank Burr Aumack b.9-22-1860 d.11-24-1934 m. Margaret Lawless b.12-12-1864 d.5-24-1962 and had issue:

Trevor lists many sources of information as follows: A translation of the bible at the Monmouth County Historical Society, which is dated 1736 and was donated by Mrs. Brice Montress as a gift and is No. 8927 in the collection. Trevor has the obits for Margaret Lawless, Peter Aumack, Thomas Aumack, Frank Burr Aumack and Norman Davis Aumack. The marriage of Theunis and Jannatje is in Vol. IX page 42 of the New York Genealogical and Biographical index 1940, this included marriages from 1639-1801 in the NY Reformed Dutch Church. Beekman's book was used as a secondary source. More credits are shown on the Theunis Janse Van Amak page.

Other pages in my Aumack group:
Theunis Janse Van Amak/Amach/Amack/Aumack the progenitor of all the Aumacks/Aumocks in Monmouth and Ocean Counties, N. J.
Theunis (Anthony) Theunise Van Amak/Aumack son of Theunis Janse Van Amak.
Steven (Stephen) Theunise Van Amak/Aumack son of Theunis Janse Van Amak, and my wife's line.



Original 10/8/97
Last updated 1/1/2007
Page by Fred Preston