Letter - Samuel Garlick to Robert Hill

Undated, prob. 1740 - 1780

Wednesday Morn

Dr. Sir,

          Betsey will come over a friday night if you can send for her. The girls came home a monday and I did not get from Ayletts untill after dark the same day and had some writing business to do which caused me to forget writing you by Sam. He set off a tuesday morning before I was up. All well in Caroline.

          The cotton sent to Taylor Lumpkin was good merchantable Cotton. I believe he is a mean dog. I have lent out Iron and cant have it returned now, am in great want of some. If you can spare me a little shall be obliged to you. There is very good Salt at Ayletts at 1500.0. per bus. Would it not be wise to lay in a good stock ? If I am not out in my politicks I think that article will soon be veryhigh as by a Dutch War there will be less trade than we have lately had, triffling as that has been.




                                                                                          S. Garlick


Addressed to:

Robert Hill Esq. King & Queen

Mrs. Walker will be so good as to send this to

the School House today and oblige. S. Garlick

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Original 11/22/1998
Last updated 4/11/2007
Page by F. L. Preston