Letter- Samuel Garlick to Robert Hill

Undated, prob. between 1740-1770, in King Wm. Co., VA.

Wednesday Afternoon.


Dear Sir,

          I will be greatly obliged if you will lend me a turn of Wheat & have it well ground at your mill. The old Lady had a seton put in her neck last thursday by Doc. Levert. She has been greatly indisposed ever since, owing I suppose to the inflamation, which has now ceased, & she is something better. Mrs. White and family came to see us last sunday & will stay 'till saturday. We are hard run as to belly timber. No fish to be gotten out of the Weire.

         The Rosetree is again on a visit to Hoskin's. Pray dispatch Betsey as soon as you can & oblige.

                                                                                                              Your affec. friend



                                                                                                                       S. Garlick


Mrs. Ben Pollard died the 7th instant

in child bed with her seventh child.

(on reverse side-- We have had several fine rains.)

Letter addressed to:

Robert Hill, Esq.

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Original 11/21/1998
Last updated 4/11/2007
Page by F. L. Preston