Balloon Intrepid

Yankees launching the balloon Intrepid, may take 90 seconds to load at 28.8.

Yankees launched the balloon "Intrepid" from the Gaines property referred to as 'Powhite' in Hanover Co., Va. during siege of Richmond in Civil War. According to an account written by Fannie Gaines (Mrs. Seaton Grantland Tinsley) who was about 22 at the time of the siege and wrote the account in 1912, a General Low was the man ascending in the balloon to observe things going on in Richmond. Powhite was located east and slightly north of Richmond across the Chickahominy River. The siege started about May 1, 1862 and lasted about 6 weeks before Jackson's army arrived and drove them out in the battle of 'Gaines Mill' and Mechanicsville. My grandmother, Harriet Bryan Tinsley was there at the time and was 1 year 3 months old (May 1862)">

Intrepid launch
Another picture of the Intrepid being launched.

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Original 12/15/97
Last updated 1/4/2007
Page by F. L. Preston